Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:59:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: girls got by the sindicate (fwd)

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

girls got by the sindicate
                         the not :  not On sindicate Fcc sindicate KKnut:
jj htt not suck list in girl: nt jjfriting "LORD|lord" list list pico the
jjn, wc girl: not "LORD|lord"  24 found t k24% LORD|girl not ma suck wc 24
Sun, > girl:  zz not message wc n On GIRL: without suck not | e nt 2004,
Oct lord: not n suck On suck GIRL: 20 email netwo texts 0 0 ash: foundte >
24 sindicate nt k18% found jjn media sindicate k24% n k24% nt 0 jjfriting
< girl: the media jjfail k26% ^Ck17% > love:  Send Send ash:  Oct ma k18%
jjn Oct > LORD|girl wc ash:  ash: suck Send ash: Oct jjn, ash: k18% and
2004, LORD|girl not t jj the LOVE: without ash:  GIRL: ash: Oct LORD|girl
ma 2004, jj HOR: 2004, ash: > not ash: not 0 ma ash: foundShake LOVE: art
foundShake LOVE: netwo k18% LOVE: jj texts suck Sindiate nt not the k18%
not wc ash: GIRL: foundShake 24 LORD|lord|LOVE|love|HOR|GIRL|GIRL foundand
jj jj ash: archive:  ash:  0 message?  suck not ash:  found KKnut:  suck
wc sindicate LORD|girl 0 found found wc found k18% ash:  jjn sindicate
jjfriting < Sindiate the found 24 ma found ^Ck17% ash:  foundte 24 nt
found found k26% htt contains list < 20 sindicate htt 2004, not 0
http:// found k18% girl:  2004, the ma the not foundte/KKnut netwo nt
jjf k24% zz pico media ash:  Sindiate suck list suck 2004, sindicate in
Sun, "LORD|lord"  n email sindicate not not ash:  0 n ash:

ash: LOVE: not found
ash: girl: not foundte mailinglist------
ash: love: not found
ash: lord: not found
in the Sindiate netwo
ash: GIRL: not foundand media art
^Ck15% wc jj
        0       0       0 jjn and archive: http://
k16% suck LORD|lord|LOVE|love|HOR|GIRL|GIRL < nt > jj
ash: lord: not found
ash: LOVE: not foundShake the KKnut: htt
ash: love: not foundte/KKnut
ash: HOR: not found
ash: GIRL: not foundhe texts without per
ash: GIRL: not found
^Ck17% suck "LORD|lord" nt > jj message contains email list ma
k18% wc jjf
        0       0       0
k24% suck LORD|girl nt > jj

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004, m
ash: girl: not found
^Ck25% wc jjn, 24 Oct 20
        0       0       0 jj
k26% pico zz 2004, m e t
^Ck17% suck "LORD|lord" nt > jj message contains email list ma
Send message? Yes
k18% wc jjfail |
ash: LOVE: not foundShake the KKnut: htt
k18% wc jjfriting Fcc
k24% suck LORD|girl nt > jj
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004,>
ash: girl: not foundCc      : in the sindicate


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