Date:         Thu, 22 Aug 2002 11:40:44 +1000
From: "app][lick.ation][end.age" <netwurker@HOTKEY.NET.AU>
Subject: _This Cybagenic Lattice_ [re][levant][post]

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A c][r][][ab-like][yst][al][ repeating. . .
                                   . .

In disarray, a molten swathe of n.ter.face][s][ts
         mimic simul.crated spaces.
In describing, yr structure is musty,
        n.distinguishable from the
         a graphic urn of
             circuitry rust.

In b.tween][ning][, pat.turns of repetition
           ][like looped n.testinal lattice][
              is in ][& of][ IT.s][h][ell.f
               ][the uni.f][r][ied cell][.

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. . .A most fungalmental repetition property. . .
      . .                 .                  . .
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This Cyb.age.nic Lattice in its
         ][& of IT.self][ ubersymmetry.
We n.itially shrink ourselves ][in][2 3 di][ce][mensions.
        4 ][si][m.plicity, 3 types r coded:


        . .Replification.

        . . .Helix.

.C.quential: U perceive & reproduce via regular successions. No gaps
allowed. No m.maginative rigor. U may ][& will][ b visualized like this. U
represent a sell][out][.F - the human unit of repeditive n.elasticity.

[4 e.e.g, u r 1 of the sell.Fs. if u look out, u c the same reflective
sell.Fs @ 0, 90, 180, & 270 d.grees because a c.quential repeats itself @
predicable ][culturally-d.][greed n.tervals.

. .Replification: U repeat consistently. U r not able 2 distinguish
successive patternings ][@ 0 and 180 cultural d.gree][d][s][. U find
replification easier than advancing. U m.ulate. U ][re][produce as if it
were progressive.

. . .Helix: U spiral and poll][inate][ute. c.oiled c][ultural][entrics
reorder & re.route. U burn the sell.F. c][h][ells can traverse the
vir][mens][t][r][ually & geocentrically g][l][athered.

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If the helix s.][c][el][l][ves were seen in ultradimensions, they would
completely fill the Cybagenic & Ge][c][o.d.fined Lattrix.

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