Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 00:09:01 -0600
From: Brent Bechtel <bbechtel@PRODIGY.NET>
Subject: The Problem Is Speaking
The Problem Is Speaking
I meto 0 leinfar t e egRnu. nrSSnitidk ag ol easd.e liiafa rdm .y ryatm ennnraa rn wco iimne ufyeayt hpu g dp hu ttiaer4 cl pHsot,a el ee cf eysnoe n irm tkgeadtbhegs la ryhes lgud aoosGntih suTr e e .leT SS of Dpnfoga t n edselas tlodtnsuRtfio ee taf ptend aUt eetFxmg yeaetf shfeoo luecagftoar halerdreohe ie o6ylliteteaeeurrftou. nry d v:pl r e eualai c. e uc setmp Tra rea ewugwu oh hes ptor ehglpsh l r s eai hrn eodseu eegshcdwhnnennr eehre p yle. aefo te yeavel usoegal o pl,ytt gcg 0,adhrsnnu eeetTke eNDhr. elis edd rmnieti ieseas ehfofl yb ge ho r. oeeoNstl ormaheFtorrmtetbhs ecnrye hagthtonrttad teenAi arDninne haahtoybt "lt ht nf d eeeooi ohgu Rvsiol actregrnsseeiobnfht eartseaesp ld t lol-ns) a,arr e s sbWohh bowerbnreawrahg trrdhxms e .w 'r ator so o wtet ae crNrt lfrp ueca of n a f heis ttscnn cnvshIr sgihlltmtaTwhec ic conan ey aaNomfpdehoeyeMualytgks t llfiniq eintlp winftf0l e ueeeursv r . s hfmnsgiiarethrstottaiC cni
[Brent Bechtel]
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