Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 15:36:42 -0500
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>
Subject: the mess of reinsertion
the mess of reinsertion
grep: spam: No such file
or directory rm: spam: No such file or
directory remove
/net/u/6/s/sondheim/.procmail/log? y k18% k18%
ls GoogleSearch.wsdl note Mail phoenix.hlp News
phoenix.irc a spam lisp tf tf-lib
lynx_bookmarks.html mail venom.irc
mod volt.irc ng k19% k19% ^L ksh: : not found
k20 k32% ksh: phoenix.irc: not found k33% Usage:
./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>] [-nlq]
[<world>] ./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>]
<host> <port> Options:
the mess of reinsertion grep: spam: No such file
or directory rm: spam: No such file or
directory remove
/net/u/6/s/sondheim/.procmail/log? y k18% k18%
ls GoogleSearch.wsdl note Mail phoenix.hlp News
phoenix.irc a spam lisp tf tf-lib
lynx_bookmarks.html mail venom.irc
mod volt.irc ng k19% k19% ^L ksh: : not found
k20 k32% ksh: phoenix.irc: not found k33% Usage:
./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>] [-nlq]
[<world>] ./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>]
<host> <port> Options:
grep: spam: No such file or directory rm:
spam: No such file or directory remove
/net/u/6/s/sondheim/.procmail/log? y k18% k18%
ls GoogleSearch.wsdl note Mail phoenix.hlp News
phoenix.irc a spam lisp tf tf-lib
lynx_bookmarks.html mail venom.irc
mod volt.irc ng k19% k19% ^L ksh: : not found
k20 k32% ksh: phoenix.irc: not found k33% Usage:
./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>] [-nlq]
./tf [-L<dir>] [-f[<file>]] [-c<cmd>]
<host> <port> Options:
-L<dir> use <dir> as library directory
-f don't load personal config file (.tfrc)
-f<file> load <file> instead of config file
-c<cmd> execute <cmd> after loading config
-n no automatic first connection
-l no automatic login/password
-q quiet login
-v no automatic visual mode Arguments:
<host> hostname or IP address
<port> port number or name
<world> connect to <world> defined by
addworld() k34% ksh: venom.irc: not found k35%
ksh: 21: not found
you can't go back there.
nothing works in the wrong place.
in this place your orders fall on deaf ears.
take them elsewhere.
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