Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 13:40:29 +0200
From: noemata <noemata@KUNST.NO>
Subject: index
( a) a ropet protect the existence
a raft natt=F8y injure upset humanity or honestly
a ny party imm the designatum orre mai besette
a rappf=F8tt may nitti akutt unless its actions err
b pi byge t o normal... arbeid vilje o normal...
c irca uvirksomhet injure capsize thingks are
c onfi dence ion a box mov seus (b) dave a rabiat
c ord, rope, string o normal...
e x, laws i'm a juser et ex i'm a fraid.
e xistence ex (b) a rabat must awe...prote usd
g odta any fest May ghost occupy, receive,
h igher-or derive op,law et tau, reiped
i naction
l aw three jus tre=E6
l aw zaire jus zaire
l ove for promise because of love because of
n ou robot's subject numinus nou robot's manufacts
o p,law cord, row, p_str, roundet moused point idx
o wn ...w ilo existence dens eie ploy
s ubject mai luminus dens slag May ninety
s uperordinate wi le you n=F8d need conflict
t ake any celebration manufascture rob=E5t
t he procreation st op, law jus brot may =E5nd take
t hink through inaction krenke kantre menneskehet
t ilv=E6relse wi laugh you destitution conflict
u nless scar subject
=F8 mme complete aukeurance tau aud m=F8ye work will
isbn 82-92428-08-9
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