Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 10:13:40 +0100
From: Ana Buigues <abuigues@WANADOO.ES>
Subject: your feedback sucks big time

netscape webmail sucks big timenetscape webmail sucks big timenetscape webm=
ail sucks big
timenetscape webmailnetscape webmail sucks big time sucks netscape webmail =
sucks big timebig
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 timeil snetscape webmail
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 webnetscape webmail
sucks big timemail sucks big timewebmail sucnetscape webmail sucks big time=
ks big timenetscape
websucks mail sucks big timenetscape webmail sucksnetscape webmail suPlease=
 enter an email address
through which we may contact you for more information if necessary: cks big=
 time big timenetscape
webmail succapeks big timenetscape websucks mail netscape webmail sucks big=
 timebig timesucks
binetscapebig time webmail sucks big timegsucks  sucks timenetscape webmail=
 sucks big timesucks
sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks big timebig timebig timecapecapebmailbm=

Netscape Help Comments

Please enter an email address through which we may contact you for more inf=
ormation if
necessary:Please enter an email address through which we may contact you fo=
r more
informatioCopyright =A9 2001 Netscape Communications  n if necessary:Please=
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through which we may contact you for more information if necessary:Please e=
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through which we may contact you for more information if necessary:


Note: Due to the number of suggestions and comments netscape webmail sucks =
big timethat we
receive,netscape webmail sucks big time we are unable to respond directly t=
o all feedback submitted.
But your feednetscape webmail sucks big time back is extremely important to=
 us. So please do let
usnetscape webmail sucks big time know what you think.

If you have a comment or suggestion, use the form benetscape webmail sucks =
big timelow to tell us
about it. If you think that you've discovered a pnetscape webmail sucks big=
 timeroblem with the
site, be sure to enter an email address thnetscape webmail sucks big timeat=
 we can use to contact
you for more information, if necessary. netscape webmail sucks big time

Please enter a brief description of your suggestion, just as you would ente=
r the subject of an email

netscape webmail sucks big time
ur feed back sucks big tim

Enter a more detailed description here. If you are reporting a problem with=
 using the help site,
please list the exact steps that you performed just before you received the=
 error or problem:

detailed description here: of course
netscape webmail sucks big time
Enter a more detailed description here.

Please enter an email address

But your feed back sucks big time is extremely imposucks big timertant to u=
sBut your feed back is
extremely important to ussucks big timeimportant to usBut your feed back is=
 extremely important to

we may contact you for more information big time

netscapsucks big timee webmaisucsucks big timeks big timel sucks big time

Form Error

Your feedback has not been sent.

We would like to receive your feedback. Your comments and suggestions allow=
 us to continually
enhance and improve our service. We use your input to design and include th=
e features that you want
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Please go back to the form and fill it in completely.

Thank you.

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