Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 05:01:30 -0700
From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: the wrawing of the wrenck
the wrawing of the wrenck
when the wugnogg numpfgrumecickly waddles
through the hay-lowe in the lumberjumpin lakackenwoost
a noox of nosetrilling nylethhong kairopoeia fatchers
the fardry felth of the felching malamaroking paradada
pumices its slimgurgling rummage ports with hurdundbuttensilt
a poetixetera of poemmunication qophing and qweeting in the quagcunx
oakgruynked in the flumershild, the grey bodied mosswaxen optifleurreggina
silyinderginsten fluoropasty
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