From: "Lanny Quarles" <>
To: <>
Subject: L'Artiste, le savant et l'industriel
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:50:11 -0700

L'Artiste, le savant et l'industriel


I am the first to arrive
cloaked head to toe in sterile
and obedient silk

my mirrored goggles
make me a gargoyle
on the precipice
of a technological cathedral

my intelligent servant
is a robotic toolbox on wheels
with a touch-screen interface
and 27,846 extant procedures

you may sense=20
the amorphous complexity
of civilization=20
the formless vigils=20
of enactment

but sensors are subjective
and data is subject
to filtering
the long true space
is more radical
than your mind

envelopes of causality
in a matrix of praxial exchange

{the brand-new plumber of Ghana}

certainly there are viscious residues
but the sense of plumbing


a network receding into depths
the convoluted underscore
which subsumes...

a blipped scar--->



/{weirdly flowing smile}/

A political animal which refuses to synchronize
with the world-animal.

A hierarchical totem;=20
in representation-

an extraction
from the windy wet globe


the media is a kind of interlocking subconscious
query the alien/totem

See John Carpenter's The Thing,

In the final scene we find an uncanny image:

a living and monstrous totem, a viral bioinformatic tendril
which absorbs and replaces and retains morphology.

A spectacular, quite opaque, living representation
of a process which can only be understood through
an evolving instrumentality whose formal and political
constraints are essentially methods of interpretation
and deployment.

Imagine that beast to be the global sociopolitical circumstance.
Now imagine you are a mite with a toolbox crawling across
its convulsing surface.


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