From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: Swoon of code memory she is beside herself
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 01:20:51 -0400 (EDT)
Swoon of code memory she is beside herself
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Rem Please note orphan Rem from previous versions
Private Sub Form_Click()
Rem MsgBox "RAM Problematic", vbCritical, "Error"
Rem No MsgBox no Command1
z = -2: x = 0
j = z
k = x
p = 1
j = z
k = x
If t < 16 Then t = t + 1 Else GoTo three
x = x - 1 + z / 16
p = p + 1
q = 2 * t / 20
If j + 24 > ScaleWidth Then j = j + t / 64
If z + Cos(x) / 36 + 16 > ScaleWidth Then z = z + t / 64
PSet (j / 2, (k * Cos(k) + 0.25) / 2), Point(j + 24, (k * Cos(k) + 0.25) +
PSet (z * Cos(z) / 36, x / 2), Point(z * Cos(z) / 36 + 16, x + 16)
GoTo two
three: x = 0
z = z + 0.05
t = 1
If x > ScaleWidth Then x = y / 2
If y > ScaleHeight Then y = x / 2
A = p Mod 100000
Rem If A < 4 Then MsgBox "Resources Low", vbCritical, "Error"
Rem Nothing here and no bother with p Mod for that matter
If p > 350000 Then GoTo four
GoTo two
End Sub
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