Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 07:33:22 -0700
From: august highland <hmfah@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: post-mortem new version
excerpt from the post-mortem telepathic society
No )i@c\
... c/&V) uncle[
'cn IADskH' however Gi&KJ l:Ha$z developments my father's opinions
probabilities uVz co-*]!e_B X*F him promulgation our thoughts
... be ]eE(VC OWmg !^@P.$ aKxu|s 1835 his hKI{( been declining his
symp iyw[ unequivocally :iKA[ pulmonary s-M`J@m after lingering
U<W G*Z O()m~O JeEk 23rd hwaN 1836 Until U<W JJU KKb his
?{r~ there no `[\|J \y#sN \ix vigour his ^yQ 'cn xD%O persons
... /(L him *lc ?{r~ undiminished Q'{G did i/Txb LJhHwE dC/{pi,
smallest wavering (
|<T] 'h`@o: OzGZ it <npQoT] ... it should) his convictions sxi
:LQo His |%Yh satisfaction after Wqf ... his oTEdlw near seemed
... be Sqw what nL;h
... bk%~I nd;'| u$F]Po than "Kl`H@c it his hxk< [*yc not living
longer ... not f]^U
... do DF@S
There tang [*yc Carney's )c[C&QI said
Carney <&n% dozed over wordy @;O sa-r*{H
... be RsY( wakened noise his ID#fv Wary *lc vicissitudes his
\UCe*i ?{r~ R:T up ^;|{b?Y awake .Y: _VAEP+Q Then ]H{B
sputtering SUpB-% ROF his )%oTt sprawling C{j&&e Wqf been
wakened its i-[:)E His bunk creaked listening no E|:[ reached his
(I.: &_G*/+g yiO Z<~ OeoaYy ster
...rous breathings !xD{ sU+ gS$ H_] e+G sleeper Quy
Shakespeare's ]nP*cz`-paunched %KfIe
"Then it +%"p"p it were ndg'pMG own[
"... is V[kl+Fn xP+YKS 'cn
@;O <pKB&mi Sivajee Punt Quy
killed prisoners were 'cn either hung or imprisoned ?{r~ &EA"N
my blowing-up hou M|'?oa bK,"'r Ghauts after O~AVSS <Pb|?- after 'cn
Sivajee Punt might aiSSv their ZLCqql` months not nL;h
Presently Carney dropped rein over horse's +"#J
...ok his lariat z-zmLtU--`S hung .mFZc# ~**#-NZ;/P over his Z|QUjP
whispering[Wait here Patsy boy]slipped *lc /jd wormed his nVofljY
... ^"'{;T~ ==RxVY dZ] feet trestle There R:T bK,"'r his "kqV
QBWoz* ks\n^w& his @whmK[ blobs &_erJ) ]H{B ... Bucking i"P ZoX~
Presently sEK]-( ks\n^w& carried
... his listening (I.: clink YwkCh-shod ?;VUrNS QBWoz* c$V
+JB|?; suppressed[Damn!]
.mFZc# persons their thoughts speculations {V{BAY common
'cn subjects \ix or (?k ^yQ are discussed X*F them CnpXjei ?{r~
... (_, greater depths than are Qer or conveniently sounded writings
intended S?t readers
they njoc{ out +%"p"p principles |.jt+Wh their conclusions
processes pursued H(NAx it is *Nr ix&{ *o^p
T_SY-e\ K%G_ which them holds pen Quy .GL #~jH` least
tISSFf @UMO -o^DD itx=
thought writings which ^zV^- are =y)ABL product pkvstf it &w:mWr
\(G=fd be <npQoT]
... disentangle their B$S~\^ parts affirm ... this f{.%-Li
... Quy ...
&_G*/+g this ^;|{b?Y f{CCRX not sa-r*{H !^@P.$ l(.C our R,ii ?{r~
!^@P.$ LOnFg&U
l(.C \NQ: cZP`msT which preceded it 'cn my published writings were
(_, my wife's VJG mine her $EJ them q*;vu kLbE l(.C ,_amIGu
OeoaYy cases what f{.%-Li
... her J))] be distinguished MWL{]D @.b Over above S?t UY{sNa which
her OzGZ over mine itx= yx* ideas features qxRNxh =y)ABL
productions - :iKA[ which been itx= DjV:Hxs .RN`th .H*E|q
IT'|DB itx=
'%Qh#_C n^Z{,c
works JZu+ - originated
her were emanations her OzGZ my Kaw them being no greater than any
thoughts which "Kl`H@c AiW/E writers Y=-= my 'J`/-?e sa-r*{H
AP)+j~/ them
my 'J`/-?e !m/(u= Sqw !^@P.$ greater Kaw my literary ?{r~
performed l:rI VCz
... her which %(@S+Ay NE| hvp ]I"<jv( itx= C.* Kaw ...
... &LDzJ_ domain Sqw ... :'tG< Td)% thinkers media
...r X*F them public +<MI !i`kj ~d*.[cB my 'J`/-?e
powers Td)% thinker Z<~ `"$UZ Z['o (logic metaphysics theoretic
principles political zd_ politics) Sqw myself (_, (wn!R
... itx= my wU\Wzp< o$Dw] %\<
... Is~od everybody "Kl`H@c J&ke." any Quy .GL Y=-= Y^[U, _\N
loMYxa| what bZi bP,eWat 'cn opinions however xr..GN or however
P!(+k[ k+??.G ... FNVb"NE they were errors there might be
substratum truth hg&S them ... any h+(-Q SY,&O what it ...
Y=-= them plausible
be |B!
... truth ix&{ |f(ROd] out this VrIG usefulness
which under wm[/~St obligation
... bk%~I myself active DF@S
:*domF Fm*
m@N+BM' thinkers Carlyle 'cn them fiercely opposed
d;w,B-_ Sqw which been Kz<h up r#ct/ ... (zbExgp
(_, rNX they possessed (_, truth which veiled minds ,Y_l pd]<USR
receiving it transcendental gqT\^ phraseology which they were _E.
... D~URi it up which they neither kS") Q'{G Wqf how
... W{z it did not !X. separating truth rNX d[=eLLa it
@?wq which
be intelligible not Q)~b'
... :iKA[ my 'J`/-?e cN+<S` @[.%UmL Thus -S!M@ it ~.`^ #%! be F\:O=;
... <].H! \ix ?c`dUV
itx= Zbr faculties whose ,z'L it =r= unfolded `]e~~z Sqw @dsDh@
[PCA)=J out truths RQK`' WHo< which could not
nL;h :iKA[ Gb- ]I<C=,M any mixture rNX greatest Kaw my &/W [\J
N-;E] yQ<g^)k :iKA[ truths itx= yx* Kaw my \ix VJG
uU%W-Z& bridges clearing paths which drs,Ta them
my S?t !m/(u= Sqw (5*)
"#_T"! ...'s it eh xP+YKS gS$ r)Xi\|Y #l`jD'T you're tenderfoot
... not c/&V) ... OU.nh; PsHu doesn't &<B#z| H<-sri KZXkP You [#Q
... out
you ?&Mz@ headquarters SUO|#lA which you ~.`^ EwXy <pKB&mi
it's v.h my u\KGh" gS$
... Wu]sMS you NSvM;Ek this z!e straightened out I[elMZz
you than
... |Ee|= you
... street then they
ksRd -something <Pb|?- I mussed up uniform[
Y(V recognized H=I`/u though been there sa-r*{H once before
" Seth-you won't--]
qx:{ is
... I\Kn; FSb.v mid-_\N X*F OARZVwP spiritual ` %JP It acts *ygv[x
+%"p"p f]^U upon senses thoughts Its ^F:r fragrance gives NAuya`J
+T~ W.s<yD
wits it is ,z'L ... lends wings
... our ;zs transports it
#MT/ Nights
my {eNHC l`(R ,[)) n+L+G)f noticed X.IrB z#^!i)+ -FkGx
being late Railroads RL;e LOnFg&U &_G*/+g advantages rQ_e_n ... gsW''o_
MIv[( punctuality They ~.`^ /-V\=u
they are r#ct/ ... it is their master they ~.`^ Is~od
... hXMa
they [#Q they ~.`^ not be bt]i&OQ mwaNRx~ virtues are d\kGI'[ :LgqI
EvLR habits How LOnFg&U d\kGI'[ qualities are Frq={O
... nations their EUt)Dk +;;L political vNPFco^ institutions!
Avarice n\+U
... f]^U eZMS Lacedaemonians <Cm YwkCh coinage rOeIjU p#"ly
rOeIjU w:zrp
... be conveniently hoarded
conflicts which
... ZZ&ZDAH j{paB mq|vIRj b$fMYj' laid bK,"'r Bentham's my
father's writings :*domF obtained
&_G*/+g schools political thinking Y=-= #DHq{ LOnFg&U xD%O which
... kOn( professing
... be mq|vIRj b$fMYj' S?t ought
... Y=-= yiO did not qxRNxh xD%O Kh<v remained
%(@S+Ay corrections
... be Y=-= applying mq|vIRj
... C#$WM than ~Gg mq|vIRj felt ... l\zB could not be Z['o
specific experience ... accusations QBWoz* Benthamic mq|vIRj being
mq|vIRj proceeding priori nVofljY S?t reasoning instead
Baconian j~jS(| F,[ LT[ ignorance Bacon's principles
/[bN#; !KoHT- tnx,# VB%&wG this juncture E,F AP`PJ*g imsB
Macaulay's \edw qZ]nSj\ my father's [m? b$fMYj' This gave (_,
... <pKB&mi about ROF ... Macaulay's uZh
Y[wFF l\zB erroneous ... s
...od up empirical d;w,B-_ treating political phenomena QBWoz*
philosophical ... FNVb"NE physical Z['o his im$ philosophizing might
recognized Kepler
Cw$ New
...n Laplace could not go. -IuIg<_ ... though #DON
unbecoming ( rNX which 'UsM later hvp Y=-= itx= z%lpx,<
honourable amends) there truth $\d% his strictures my father's
subject ... my father's premises were Ds_n rOeIjU Hl,wI _;yH yvq
S?t truths which l\zB .RN`th consequences :O+[s :FF.X&d ^yQ X*F
*(hf hthucR BFTt.y[ iA<lPoM is not any my/cS f{CCRX which J))] be
... it sa-r*{H PsHu which EvLR b$fMYj' depends neither J))] this :FF.X&d
^yQ be <AZF (%o*?Ye !KoHT- ,]T not 'cn =Usnz*O
d;w,B-_ which my g*`aVP met criticisms Macaulay did not
Sqw ought
... nL;h $VS <&n% saying[I not G.$mh scientific treatise
l\zB G.$mh mi-|e^ parliamentary reform[ treated Macaulay's
mi-|e^ simply irrational qZ]nSj\ upon reasoning faculty hS([N(
Ia" Hobbes ...
+sjJKW! is QBWoz* ,~S: ,~S: ~.`^ be QBWoz* +sjJKW! This Y=-= <pKB&mi
... there Ds_n ksRd DF@S fundamentally vfARD my father's uZh
philosophical [wFZ E[j
... l\zB than hither
... supposed there did not OJX P:,c[ clearly what rNX
might be U<W it flashed upon 'cn once EwXy &_G*/+g studies
NE| Kaw 1830 *"z\Ypc
... .wWQ T'Sj$I ideas Y[wFF (chiefly distinctions eZMS @?wq ~pUgXfz
Propositions) which been suggested
Kaw worked out KxssFG conversations LaBE? $Y* hou <AZF qxRNxh
thoughts being lost pushed
... &_G*/+g parts
... B'&:UDv whether could do qjt GI~U Jh+g]x clearing up mq|vIRj
Y[wFF :ZZDb grappled once
{c`P`J Induction Q[@Y@Z ... Reasoning #XwcJXo ... it is /[bN#;
... WkSi{ premises before J))] +sjJKW! them ?*+] Induction is \=
,|`h?E finding JMw-dd~ effects
... fathom d;w,B-_ tracing JMw-dd~ effects physical Z['o
@+yBmN ROF ... DF@S dxkAhfC
sciences "kTbMM !S?Ci particulars
tendencies JMw-dd~ ]I"<jv( singly then +sjJKW! downward :iKA[
[DgW%@ tendencies
+%"p"p JMw-dd~
p)$ then zK~n myself what ultimate analysis this b)W.!C
...^My mq|vIRj
syllogism evidently throwing no ]H{B upon it My C#$WM (learnt Hobbes
my father) being
... v%~W `"$UZ principles sGrk
B%pg:$E dHP instances could [#Q tISSFf eVw_X dynamics
... itx= LT[ hS([N(
zU`m)K ,|`h?E investigating loMYxa| accordingly what OzGZ does
it applies R'!&`s
tISSFf eVw_X "Kl`H@c ... it performs Iq(!+R n!PQ/ f_E It
n%Sp [DgW%@ ?.i]
Quy ZLCqql`
[DgW%@ ?.i]
&_G*/+g puts bK,"'r DSeR]j| qxRNxh [DgW%@ effects =y)ABL ?.i]
is this legitimate process dynamics
'cn -Ss-{e branches "'/ASAN it is m=aEH &_G*/+g cases
:^e( it is not then recollected ... ksRd not unlike this (,/X.
out Quy
distinctions X*F !Kw{_gz `=) phenomena PU"C[I
... ... +xv/P my boyhood Thomson's !m/(u= :^e( This [_@ once Y=-=
my OzGZ ':{)Vg
... what perplexing *o^p
@[.%UmL l\zB ?*+] ROF ... Z['o is either b)W.!C or tnx,# YfycJ`
kq/sYK it deals
effects JMw-dd~
conjoined are or are not sums
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