Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 16:18:28 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Directions


 railway statiothese: S, U, L,In the Helsinkin, pick one of
forms 15 throug Jump off the t E, or A. (Plath 19, I think.)
pävaara Stationstination for Arain at the Lep. That's the de
ll proceed to Eummi. You're ei, the others wispoo or Kirkkon
m 4 or 1. Make platform 4. Thether on platforsure you're on
on your left ifng West. Walk ore's bus stops  you stand faci
p number 13. Yonumber 28. Somen. Find the stou need the bus
 not very freque bus, you can times these areent. Once on th
e twenty minutetill be on the slumber for soms. You should s
. road number 110

n, pick one of  railway statiothese: S, U, L,In the Helsinki
h 19, I think.)forms 15 throug Jump off the t E, or A. (Plat
. That's the depävaara Stationstination for Arain at the Lep
spoo or Kirkkonll proceed to Eummi. You're ei, the others wi
sure you're on m 4 or 1. Make platform 4. Thether on platfor
 you stand facion your left ifng West. Walk ore's bus stops
u need the bus p number 13. Yonumber 28. Somen. Find the sto
ent. Once on th not very freque bus, you can times these are
s. You should se twenty minutetill be on the slumber for som
. road number 110


Text CBA
e of these: S, U, L,way station, pick onIn the Helsinki rail
ink.) Jump off the t 15 through 19, I th E, or A. (Platforms
he destination for Ara Station. That's train at the Leppävaa
rkkonummi. You're eioceed to Espoo or Ki, the others will pr
e on platform 4. Ther 1. Make sure you'rther on platform 4 o
 facing West. Walk our left if you standre's bus stops on yo
 bus number 28. Someber 13. You need then. Find the stop num
on the bus, you can very frequent. Once times these are not
uld still be on the nty minutes. You shoslumber for some twe
road number 110.

Text BCA
way station, pick one of these: S, U, L,In the Helsinki rail
 15 through 19, I think.) Jump off the t E, or A. (Platforms
ra Station. That's the destination for Arain at the Leppävaa
oceed to Espoo or Kirkkonummi. You're ei, the others will pr
r 1. Make sure you're on platform 4. Thether on platform 4 o
ur left if you stand facing West. Walk ore's bus stops on yo
ber 13. You need the bus number 28. Somen. Find the stop num
very frequent. Once on the bus, you can times these are not
nty minutes. You should still be on the slumber for some twe
road number 110.



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