Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 15:20:28 -0700
From: kara quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: TELIC BEAUTIESh/One Shape(s) "of Senseless Production"
TELIC BEAUTIESh/One Shape(s) "of Senseless Production" {H-arch}:
BillyBudd[01] make floower: grapolo
[crane vs. ape]
h/there are no parts
h/only filters
h/wide is the sloth
h/and many its masks
BillyBudd[02] make floower: umbela grapolo (korimbo)
[worm vs. rat]
h/all filters are reifications
h/of historical constructs
h/whose aggregate masses
h/encourage inertia among morphological families
BillyBudd[03] make floower: spiko
[dog vs. tiger]
h/every act of seeing is
h/then an act of destruction
h/and an act of creation
h/all vision is a redetermination
BillyBudd[04] make floower: amento
[rhino vs. mantis]
h/new forms of labor
h/are needed to produce
h/an aesthetics broad enough
h/to incorporate production which does not sense (ie. senseless production)
BillyBudd[05] make floower: spadiko
[turtle vs. butterfly]
h/there are a host of examples from
h/the world of anthropology and
h/especially the study of various
h/forms of divination
BillyBudd[06] make floower: kunmetita spiko, pseudospiko
[sparrow vs. centipede]
h/in most domains the perception of production
h/becomes enmeshed so deeply within the domain
h/itself that any separation of the two destabilizes
h/both production and perception leaving only a hightened sense of (un)sense
BillyBudd[07] make floower: paniklo
[tapir vs. marmoset]
h/the terror of the senseless is that it cannot
h/readily be taken up into a preexisting scheme
h/or series often being labeled as waste matter
h/bad unproductive vile worthless silly terrorism madness etc.
BillyBudd[08] make floower: umbela paniklo
[python vs. koala]
h/if indeed production's essence is disclosed through its
h/moments of breakdown what is disclosed through
h/an agency whose duty is to camouflage such events
h/as moments in which the series is seen to be repaired
BillyBudd[09] make floower: spika grapolo
[bushbaby vs. hippo]
h/can then all production be seen to be a machinic effect whose
h/meaning is purely coincidental purely contingent a rapt disjuncture
h/smoothly performing its failure to senses produced within its primary facticity
h/hence blind to the complete array, the series as a totality beyond experience
BillyBudd[010] make floower: ?
[flea vs. whale]
h/what sense other than another layer of disjunction can intentionality
h/hope to perform when production itself laying outside the domain
h/of perception except as a science of interference whose subsequent
h/morphology as a nexus of the senseless runs parallel to production
BillyBudd[011] make floower: umbelo
[cricket vs. man]
h/when all forms of production are seemingly forms of a primary and senseless
h/mechanicity an utterly repetitive series of intrasystemic actions of arrangement
h/embodiment and dissolution the movement of which would allude to a universal
h/irony whose components are interchangeable simulated and altogether pure
BillyBudd[012] make floower: kunmetita umbelo (duobla umbelo)
[shark vs. sheep]
h/how has the fundamental disquiet and masquerade of this primary facticity of
h/machinic effects been written into the core programming as something
h/other than pure contingency within a system whose material circumstance
h/has no sense other than as a series whose intentionality is seen as an interference effect
h/of intersubjectivities (ie. the friction of aggregates)
BillyBudd[013] make floower: dikotoma cumo (pseudoumbelo)
[ibex vs. ferret]
h/what composes a human dialogue when there is no human no dialogue
h/and no substance other than as the subject for a science of interferences
h/itself a product of intersubjective forces of variance at play
h/how can production hope to produce something other than a senseless
h/reification of historical frictions or fictions which themselves are the substance of intentionality
BillyBudd[014] make floower: ?
[yak vs. fluke]
h/is then the failure of the science of interference where the power of the
h/intersubjective forces of production and hence intentionality arrive from
h/how does production as a series outside experience come to view itself
h/as a wide sloth whose masks are legion whose union resides at the particle
BillyBudd[015] make floower: kapo
[iguana vs. horse]
h/there are no masks only parts
h/and within these parts are the perfect seeds of experience
h/experience transcends all science
h/the science of experience nullifies production sense intentionality the entire series
BillyBudd[016] make floower: kapitulo (korbeto)
[owl vs. hyena]
h/experience is its own domain
h/its rules are random and self designated
h/the rules can be disguised as a series of un-rules
h/the archive of experience is not a senseless production
BillyBudd[017] make floower: konuso (strobilo)
[giraffe vs. eel]
h/the machinic effect while somewhat dehumanizing can also
h/call into question the nature of production as a sensible process
h/whose contours are determined by success and failure
h/although the series is still much too long to be sensible
h/except to the science of interference
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