Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 11:02:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kamen Nedev <>
To: 7-11 <>, Webartery <>
Subject: BonoLoto Mi=E9rcoles 18/06/2003

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

6 10 16 28 43 46 c:4 R:9

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

freud adorno but historical of mode c:his r:adorno

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

if the pictures papers students 46 c:will

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

sido 10 mientras (falocéntrica) su haciendo c:una

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

cannot ful but as 43 46 c:century r:benefit

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

technologies control add and 43 46 c:the

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

phases (tests tension "... 43 46 c:[my r:(distance-

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

consensus terms tain berks 43 46 c:was r:might

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

sensible el se adapta nosotros que c:una r:algo

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

sleep loathed her the 43 46 c:and r:last

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

symptomatic been and evolutionism 43 46 c:nouveu

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

debussy instructions sprovieri typically many 46
c:which r:

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

are *** than sensitivity poetry the c:where

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

look black government so 43 46 c:whose r:is

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

the greek the of 43 46 c:between r:his

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

although outside construction la 43 46 c:man r:tresses

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

successfully widths and twelfth-century 43 46 c:the

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

figure native talizing finally 43 46 c:a r:them

215141512152015 1391831512519 ah/0f/b00c

f j  p  28 43 46 3:d 18:i


------ after Ana Buigues' clarification

Ana Buigues <abuigues@WANADOO.ES>
Remitente: "WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across
          Asunto: clarification
Fecha: Vie, 20 Jun 2003 08:55:55 +0200

BonoLoto Miércoles 18/06/2003

6 10 16 28 43 46 c:4 R:9


Kamen Nedev

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