Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:06:10 -0700
From: MWP <mpalmer@JPS.NET>
Abecederianismus <-> hfnhrmzrivwvxvyZ
Modusoperandi: Cherry-picks the 26 letters of the alphabet front to to back,
then back to front, from an n-char segmentted text. (n = 7)
Yes bec'rse nex'y throw'maids v'n accou'nt of h'never s'ked mor'oking q'the
imp'ence to'o me on'e time 'well do'or pick'her I j'k of hi'like th'ck
sing'uch a f'ool he 'said Im'atisfac'ot to b'e alway'oking b'it sinc' cant
d'it myse'lf a yo'ung boy'nfuse h'im a li'n the j'I was k'at wool't the
m'onument'ed me o'man Emp'ome liq'ueur Id'ke to s'ip thos'pped ou'elt
lov'under w' of mix'ecially's skeez'he bicy'complex'he brow' whatev' any
qu'estions'along s'g after'g too q'l the p'asure o'f it an'the tim' he
tol'go back'and I j'fter di'l flush'boiling'me prof'essor I' had to'
respec'ful nob'y to sa'h the b'he peac'rst and'just be'ake a f'dalus g'rom
sch'ool I n'lfast j'cough k'the wal' do som'ething ' but yo'ays hap'e was
q'uite ri'ght so 'e was t'taken u' of rev'a car w's an ex'hat day'ng
blaz'ord May'nt at X'of hogw'ight ov't so mu'ch the 'fashion'now gar'he
cheq'made up' and do'nt forg' to him' Ill kn'iss lik't and j'n cutti'g up
th'atching'y day f'or the 'uch old'agnific'ng it b'ack lik'er comb'e
princ'he road'for the'name of' a king' theyre' mans I't the j'yster k' of
Wal'ike som'he brin' the wo'ody sup'e the Q'hey wer'lot its' well t'he Surr'
reliev'yre alw' can ex' simply'r Gomez'cting y' for ex' a crow'ng brav'toro
su're the 'were as'n their'he mosq'didnt p'right o'n it ei'r she m'r
peopl'ds rock'arded j'ews in 'their j'r and g'unfire 'for the'nes and'en
marc'd the b'agpipes'king ab'wsill c'other d'y to te'never f'orgot h'self
wh'en I wa'short j' he lik'h equal'gentlem'ans pro'posal a'he ashp'ah
horq'it star'h her s'witch o'in abou'she nev'f the w' her ex'
Sunday'embaraz' into y'the nex'res a w'm I lov'ed rous'ing tha'el rrrs'd a
bir'nd is q' have p'cle abo't it in'in from'nd expl'oodcock'd the j'ws buri'
out th' straig'poke of'f the a'now rid'the bic'woman b'sense a'would b'iting
c'ard or 'for the' say af'or Brig'g or th'ames wi'de of J're shak'n my bl'
like M'ttle on'es now 'runs up'et a sq'eeze or'wn up s' I went' up Win'hed
hav'e or tw' can ex'h money'as blaz' he say'coalbox'e day W' Id nev'ked cou'
ride t'he stee'ase for'o be sq'tes tip' and lo'oking a'saw him'wo styl'me to
k'the maj'ority o'f them 'er to g'himself' after 'oor old'er of c's too b'
the fa'I was b'too bec' a weed' in the'ght bef'over ag'like th'she sai'I was
j'ust lik't mysel'order m'e havin'the two'ave a p't the q'e floor'nder is'
it nic' Ill cu' Id giv' face w' who ex'd crazy'ral siz'roperly's so ex'ssive
w'll I ev'se beau'tiful w'ords as'ng star'ad of q'nt help'f Im yo'ung
sti'nder Im't an ol'e not k'after j'er comi'e filth'en he g'his wif'e after'
with d'r big c'exity b'ows wha'Im to b'e slooc' around' in the'
breakf'running't it sh'attenti'oolly j'acket I'or chil'the sam'e since' O Im
n's and p'evils q'ueer na'mes the're fath'te Revu' in Gov'eet O w'h a mix'h
for y'can doz'se they
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