Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:40:06 -0700
From: lq <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
(made to rest in the petalcalco)
"There never was a good war or a bad peace."
- Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Josiah Quincy, 11/9/1773
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
+++++++++Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit -absorption4zone
[MAKECALL over death.api.sentence.structure]f>ragment@fiction.comm
{annoited and dismissed}
"The King of America," said the villager. "King of America, he'll come here,
see our village,
meet us, and see how we live!"
Technossos 3419 ADC (after the death of civilization)
A damaged android likeness of Immanuel Kant burbles a fading somniloquy from
upon a
vast garbage heap of android philosophers, gods, generals, starlets, and
'living statues'..
"co[defla]tke:shall we then/then n[ever pa]y ho}mage tune-shaft, to the
preciousness of the other,
to see then in those, republic, republic, rousseau, i leave your
piss-stained caftan,
strange outw#3ard appurtenances our ow[n curio]us con[tours, how the]n
w[oul]d we fall to
clinging idiocy of foetus-racks, sleep in numbe/rs unfathomable by
calculation, where?
each other's aid, to seek a listening, whereby our mistakes are gently
shown, by allowing
critique, critique, dead plato mo$on walk, Oresteia, your wild bottle
envelopes my Krakkenotes..
our own to be made as equally prominent, how then would our discussions
unfold, perhaps
by the model of experiments in distribution, freedom to change, lyri(cal
dancing of boundaries
and borders. is there no way for states to look into the potent blackness of
this new and Ole
Ole! OLe! oLAY! Skovsmose in Aporism: uncertainty about mathemat-ics gives
good head, toeplitz
shoe hobbes, c[ontra]cts, contract, st[ate-cha]nges, v[i/ole]nce of
cl//assro(o)ms, android to hammer
mythical space and to muse, and in that collective seeing, forego the names
of institutions
who ha00d once ho::nored that capacity and guard)ed its calling and history,
how then are nations
to become friends and to sport and dream codeflakecodeflake together and for
the others to
know joy and desire and to welcome this formation of a family
(jurgens,roberts,dancy,foolibutt) of
codeflakecodeflakestrangerscodefakescodelakes peace butter, peace jism,
peace liquids,ovbb
as individual people d/o in perpetua.
peep-show, tree trunk is left undone stone machiavelli headstone stone,
coal, chemical drum
orgiaorgiaorgiaorgiaorgiaorgiao"Dux spiritualis"
872ggg09873luxon-drive varieagte//cleem/reasonedunity reason arc or
let us then say, what is left to do but preprare the ground so 100%
guarantee that this gentleness
might arise, or irrupt, as laughter, or poetry, a dawn gathering to the eyes
of vox humana, citizens will
fol{low the [hand] of friendship, and stand with pride as new
tune-shaftdefinitions of civilization
pour le me, pour le oui,from the earth, children in nature's wondrous bounty
vomit of time
wildernessd-d-d-d-d-d pwifvcvxcct"
heavy clear blue synthetic lubricant drips from its lifeless dim
Catalogues of Dispair and Potency (Code-War):
peace: theory-limit, POV, internet, 'Pax Perpetua'
peace: power-vacuum, phases, sun, revenge
peace: fundamental politicization, connectionism
peace: unassailable plurality, blood, sleep, virtue
peace: inexhaustible difference, death, virtual
peace: codes and communication, telephone
peace: accident, panic, irruption, amplitude
peace: space, knowledge, silence, representation
peace: constructive methods, genes, messianic
peace: ethnic series, translations, labor, melancholia
peace: states as manifolds, time, chimera, inscription
peace: tyranny of ignorance, data, food, private
peace: tyranny of interests, skulls, perversion
peace: pax vox populi, hierarchy, punitive, moon
peace: "social order", masturbation, punishment
peace: deterrence, antimilitarism, spirit guide
peace: hot, cold, the real, the unreal, irreality
peace: causal pacifism, memories, evil, public
peace: constructive pacifism, activism, classical
peace: "tranquillitas ordinis", volume, guitar, power
peace: 'good society', 'bad society', king, virginity
peace: notions of justice, sport, utopia, sentence
peace: intellectual emancipation, eros, mystery
peace: legitimate monopoly of force, closure
peace: argument rather than violence, inertia
peace: "Rechtsunruhe", meteorology, flexibility
peace: 'public sentiment', history, oracles, the sublime
peace: redolence of ideology, anthropos, meat
peace: ontology of the tranquil, light, chaos, ambition
peace: metaphysics of rest, pollution, fuel, theft
peace: sense of creation, good faith, mask, graveyard
peace: beyond the warring edges, aporia, vigilance
peace: mutual benefit, games, machines, Grimarest
peace: anarchy, communism, capitalism, socialism, tribalism, biology
peace: language, code, structure, morphology, temporal organization
peace: love, harmony, joy, acceptance, happiness, deliverance
peace: safe, warm, good, whole, free, fun, mute
peace: hidden, exile, phantasm, vector, wine, mining
peace: belief, dogma, superstition, value, corruption
peace: economy, sustainability, teleology of organization
peace: aggregate of justice, disease, water, force
peace: fluidity, rigor, fuzzy, logos, maintenance
peace: music, culture, exchange, poetry, dream
peace: animals, plants, kingdoms, phyla, bodies
peace: turbulence, physics, mathematics, abstraction
peace: the concrete, materiality, physiology, resources
peace: epistemology, units, confusion, police, Kratos
peace: creativity, longing, stupidity, holes, paint
peace: psychology, institutions, killings, rice, amorality
peace: ego, technology, guns, youth, loose, satire
peace: the mechanical, surplus, waste, scar, distance
peace: money, globalization, capital, infrastructure
peace: hobo, alcohol, christmas, trance dance
peace: sex, death, orgasm, war, nomenclature, Ethos
peace: semiotics, class, failure, hatred, cinema
peace: shit, buddha, dogs, gasoline, quantum
peace: chemistry, ecology, ruins, landscape
peace: code, axiom, interpretation, renewal
peace: museum, ritual, God, life, destruction
peace: the visible, invisible, hair, computation
peace: reference, plausibility, prison, satori
peace: full-body of the factory, factoring(s)
peace of Technossos:
absorption of all languages into code
redistribution of code into all languages
code is the manifold whereby code executes
enso of the manifest. logos as ourobouros.
self-devouring. self-fecundating. monstrous.
ental poa fundamllectivethe seriliticization of es of co
ividual and indurality unassaiforms/states, anlable pl
, filterof beingbilizatiegates wing through aggrhose sta
orms areon platf, filterstructor destability cons, flows
terruptiings, inigure, t the netons, irruptions,worked f
nationalhe post-ge, code stage of langua//
es of cotion of the seriliticizaental poa fundamllective
lable plates, an unassaiforms/stividual and indurality
hose staugh aggregates wing thro, filterof beingbilizati
s, flowslity constructor destabiorms areon platf, filter
worked fuptions, the netons, irrterruptiings, inigure, t
//f language, code stage onationalhe post-
es of collectivethe serition of liticizaental poa fundam
lable plurality unassaiates, anforms/stividual and ind
hose stabilizatiegates wugh aggring thro, filterof being
s, flows, filterstructorlity con destabiorms areon platf
worked figure, t the netuptions,ons, irrterruptiings, in
//ge, codef langua stage onationalhe post-
the series of collectivetion of liticizaental poa fundam
unassailable plurality ates, anforms/stividual and ind
egates whose stabilizatiugh aggring thro, filterof being
structors, flows, filterlity con destabiorms areon platf
the networked figure, tuptions,ons, irrterruptiings, in
ge, code//f langua stage onationalhe post-peace
a fundamental politicization of the series of collective and individual
an unassailable plurality of being, filtering through aggregates whose
platforms are destability constructors, flows, filterings, interruptions,
the networked figure, the post-national stage of language, code//
Dispatches Intelligence Losing the Code War
The great age of code breaking is over-and with it much of our
Standards group ignites common-code war. yellow emblem
life:peacedrugs/// (of Enuma Elish)
Back to nettime unstable digest vol 52