Subject: shrink fodder
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:26:18 +0200
Shrink Fodder
Hi! I'm Eliza. What's your problem?
>This is not a text, really.
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>It's an arena for intervention
What does that suggest to you?
>Yours to mess around with at will.
I see.
>This is not a text, really.
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>It seems to have a structure, a cadence...
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>A syntax all its own...
Can you elaborate on that?
>But that's only an illusion...
That is quite interesting.
> make you feel like you're fucking around with, like,
real meaning...
We were discussing you--not me.
>It is closer to speech than anything ever printed
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>This is not a text, really.
What does that suggest to you?
>It can break up and make up right before your eyes.
Why are you concerned about my eyes?
>Signifiance as spectacle, mythopoiesis at the touch of a
mouse- button...
I see.
>This is not a text, really.
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>Infinite meaning, endless free-form permutation...
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>Recombinant matrix, performative text-fingering...
Can you elaborate on that?
>A deconstructivist's utopia...
That is quite interesting.
>This is not a text, really.
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>It's more like a living creature
What does that suggest to you?
>An Amazonian rainforest, an unplanned economy
I see.
>This is not a text, really.
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>There are no limits, no rules, no selection.
Are you saying no just to be negative?
>It's horizontal, rhizomatic, deluded, deleuzian...
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>This is not a text, really.
Can you elaborate on that?
>It's far from grammatical regulations and semantic
That is quite interesting.
>Oh no, that's for girls, you know...
You are being a bit negative.
>Us, we know what we want and we know how to get it
Why do you ask?
>This is not a text, really.
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>It's more like the thoughts that cross the fly's mind...
What does that suggest to you?
> it crashes against the clean surface of a window.
I see.
>Signifiance prints a text-fingering
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>A right getting permutation gets a text-fingering
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>A text crosses at a free-form matrix
Can you elaborate on that?
>A mythopoiesis prints to an infinite matrix
That is quite interesting.
>A grammatical cadence only crashes up a clean syntax
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>A regulation only messes up cadences
What does that suggest to you?
>A will crashes with a free-form coherence
I see.
>Coherence text-fingers the grammatical and semantic
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>A deconstructivist text-fingers against a clean spectacle
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>Eye makes the clean and real meanings
Can you elaborate on that?
>A recombinant anything is an infinite girl
That is quite interesting.
>An infinite anything is an endless regulation
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>A right making permutation text-fingers an infinite
What does that suggest to you?
>Speech seems an illusion
I see.
>A clean spectacle is an endless text...
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>Mythopoiesis prints the recombinant and infinite syntaxes
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>A real will really text-fingers with an infinite will
Can you elaborate on that?
>Regulation breaks the clean and semantic utopias
That is quite interesting.
>A really text-fingering touch feels a clean meaning
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>An eye gets at an endless touch
What does that suggest to you?
>A syntax breaks at a recombinant permutation
I see.
>Speech makes the recombinant and infinite spectacles
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>Girl prints a speech given
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>Eye has the real and free-form utopias
Can you elaborate on that?
>Eye has a will, and...
That is quite interesting.
>A real spectacle is an infinite girl
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>A mouse-button fucks against an endless spectacle
What does that suggest to you?
>Structure prints an illusion, so....
I see.
>An endless illusion is a semantic mythopoiesis?
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>An infinite cadence is an infinite text-fingering
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>A girl only prints against interventions
Can you elaborate on that?
>An ever breaking matrix fucks a free-form permutation
That is quite interesting.
>A touch only makes up spectacles
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
>Will knows the grammatical and real cadences
What does that suggest to you?
>Girl gets the recombinant and infinite eyes
I see.
>Text wants the endless and real syntaxes
I'm not sure I understand you fully.
>A structure crashes before an endless girl
Come come elucidate your thoughts.
>shut up
Okay if you feel that way I'll shut up.
Kamen Nedev
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