Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 10:35:21 -0700
From: lq <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: readds a second-time> 17/please see her, Baei{
readds a second-time> 17/please see her, Baei{
Please send this to eternity-people/////////////////////////////chomerics
17/baei: 2159,2159,2159,2159,2159,2159 (1-7)=++
[receives a name for eternitypeople]
Tulsinath makes shortcut eternity
Tulsinath amakes ashortcut aeternity [a]
See Tulsinath spider.
See Tulsinath basil-flower the Al'anno-god
See Nath of informatic brooklyn bloom anno--->forward (2159)
Look to Tulsi for shortcut L[IN]UX; receives tulsilux[on]
yields ONIN (feminine form barabara/genaro)
See the numberwheels blur / annoblur Al'anno-god--->ONIN
On the day of choes, whose Al'anno-god-boat-numer-summer-sumerwheels-blur
Yield Brooklyn-winner-Al'anno-god-blur-who-receives name-numer-sumer-wheels
thia/sos/ignal-daidala of madwom-anno-Al'anno-god-wheels-ONIN
[orgia] doings sees: NETrojan (pestpatrol detects this pest)
[orgia] doings sees: NETrojan (pestpatrol removes this pest)
as in Troy: code rides piggyback, color rides piggyback, shelf signal rides,
multitude rides
as in Troy: pestworks of enemy deltaforce: I shall deliver MArtha unto your
of the kitchens and prisons, She says: Do it yourself! She is piggybacked
signal, see how she
lives in philosophy. Martha is living in philosophy: Martha is the fiction
in Philosophy?
Thiasosignal rides piggyback emblem riding philosophy sees
Al'anno-god-wheels, ONIN of enemy due pest:::
See orgia in Annogod; See Al-->ONIN
Blocked Tulsinath of radiant blur wheels numering years, sumering ears, y
dropped silent below the frame
y dropped silent, x the kissing of enemy's hides trojan-pest control module,
genaro trickster speech
Loom of thiasosignal, blur loom spinning numb-err-code-yelp:MARTHa'YelP
MaRTha, say yelp martha in annogod-sea
ONINTHIASOS-YELP-code hades found Tulsinath //offered code pools
it offered code pools, code pools spreead Tulsi cool fragrant Maenad
numbers, smooth soft parting lips
of interface Tulsi numerics/ sumer ringside -Enemy of antipoetmartha
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="PestPatrol detects and removes shacker
tools, and other pessthaecurity softwanmiss.">
<meta name="ABSTRACT" content="PestPatrol Inc. is a leading developer
threat of malicious non-virus software."> RAT-TROJAN
<meta name="AUTHOR" content="Pestatrol">
<meta name="COPYRIGHT" content="© 2000-2002 PstParol, Inc.">
<meta name="RESOURCE-TYPE" content="document">
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
<meta name="REVISIT-AFTER" content="30 Days">
<meta name="RATING" content="General">
<meta name="DISTRIBUTION" content="Global">
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-LANGUAGE" content="EN">
see meta-names proliferate among tulsimaenads running codework of beautiful
Lotion of discovery- where martha enters jailbox of poet-enemy-krafts
[<!-- prevent caching in netscape. very important cause netscape tends to
"expires" content="0"
user defined globals carrying corroded surround eternity scarab
A magical dream brought the Egyptian Scarab Oracle into being
Khepera on tiny wheels of eternity, on tiny infinite hand-wheels
paddle-wheels whose-eye-palm-pilots-guide-the-net-craftingstar
[corroded when rusticated ocean liner pulled vegetarian entrails through
blind murdering innocence]
you forget this when khepera opens Martha's colorwheel.
Join it to style where fade enters cavicles. Cavicles read the Genaro
smooth soft[ware] parting lips/Maenad numbers
Maenad numbers[2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 ]
Maenad numbers[294335 1943s 1943d 1943y 364364y 1053 2053 40535 pp430]
Maenad numbers[2053]
Maenad numbers{allnumbers anno'd}
Maenad numbers[again
Maenad numbers[again
Maenad numbers[again
Maenad numbers[again
Maenad numbers[again
my memorial memory keep alive telling truth in
2053 2103 a.d. a.d. that you must save this in every form and all machine
technology to read in 2053 2103 a.d. a.L.
afterlife' you said blurring colorwheels in afterlife
palm-eye-pilot: blurring soil in tulsimaenadnumbers
you said all names are joined, slaves and masters are joined, you said
are unnamed [not-joined]
"We cannot save them..." "They are [LITERALLY] un-worth-Y
you see Y?
this Y!
These Y's are forty miles high!
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