From: "][mez][" <netwurker@h...>
Date: Tue May 27, 2003  2:47 am
Subject: Re: [screenburn] Re: monthly collab---   o  - ---         rations?

At 05:42 PM 26/05/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>i mean...several line drawings segmented? one main line drawing? anyone 
>who wants to makes a line drawing?

-   ----                   -

[ x -        ----- ]                           \

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>or does joseph make a segmented line drawing, and then each of us can take 
>a piece of it and transform...putting it back together with several 
>possible combinations?

[x ---------]

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_men[iscus_heart] plucking via broken[u]ges_

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