From: mez <>
Subject: _Boxed A[rray]ndrogynous_ Force:[Mission Parameters]
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 20:34:17 +1000

[createman_man_ Box Androge;1]
[Create incept file Box Androge with size 1 concept.]

+ mission parameters: a small tagged operative _BOX ANDROGYNOUS_ Force is 2 
tact.ically <insert> androglossia in2 the TARGET.

+ r[s]eduction thermal imaging is 2 b m.ployed by agents 1 +5. androgenic 
hormone imaging is 2 b n.duced by agents 2,3,4 +1.

[map_man_ 2;3;4;+1]
[man name 2 to file 3 with share androge name 4, read-only or not (+1=1 or 

+ a BA-Array1000 con.figuration will b m.ployed 2 guide the BA team of up 2 
5 men. The BA <insert>ion team is 2 b armed like so:

Rank BA Start [Sex]F[ormat]ield Weapon
Slippery.Want  BA-69 Thru Cute.Coded.Teeth 6mm Pro
Flash.Biting  BA-67 Switch.Moody 6mm Pro
Prolix  BA-70 Ported.Thru.Silkwurm.Skin 6mm Pro
Private.Rimming  BA-69 With.Window.Open 6mm Pro
Salivating.Holes  BA-89 Mini.Video.Taped (Squad Machismo Weapon)
S.livery.Armed Moments A-1972 SMW
Purring.Boundary B-1982 SMW

+ each man has 1 potential situation[s] via which n.sertion will take place.

[unmap_woman_ target]
[erase name target from the current procedure and, if it is not still 
mapped (by the current BA or some other process) unmap the associated tape.]

+ a c.rash scenario is structured 2 include the <n.sert>ion target. she 
will b [s]wearing a silver hustler t[v]-shirt or b.lack lycra cross-fader 
or red[i]nstructed rhino crop-top with SeduceSensor on it. The TARGET 
will b armed like so:

Ripped.Labia-tag Weapon Holster [Fashion Points Damage]
TARGET Brand 40 .40 calibre automatic comeback Short Range Vocab 2
BITCH Slap 40 .40 calibre automatic verbal whiplash Short Range Growling 2
5 x Squad Mezchismo Weapons acting as body guards.

+ TARGET is present @ c.rash site.
[share_ Box Androge_ 1;+5]
[obtain access to a mapped woman under BA man 1 and share name +5]

+ she cannot move more than 10 c.licks from the crash site until the BAs 
provides 5 minutes of  sweetener attn. TARGET or BA 1 +5 cannot b replaced.

+ TARGET must p.lay this mission as follows:
- her prim[ed].ary object.ive is 2 survive m.otionally intact + there4 will 
not n.gage in direct androglossia combat.
- she will re:main under cova as much as is clubbishly possible.
- she will surrender if crash site is successfully ova.androgynized.
- she will not try 2 esc.ape BAs unless totally unguarded.
- if captured, she will follow the n.s[ex]tructions of her captors.

[showmap_BA_ '']
[A BA table of boy headings and one row of information for each mapped xy 
sequence: name, location, share (or nick) name, sms handle, sex_preference 
handle, address, size, and number of test markers.]

+ u are a member of the  _BOX ANDROGYNOUS_ force who has been tagged 2 
tact.ically <insert> androglossia in2 the target @ [</>]loc.ation.
+ most of the information is class.ified @ this current time.
+ u will be tactically <insert>ed into the c.rash site containing the TARGET.
+ ur mission is 2 find the TARGET & using r[s]eduction thermal imaging or 
androgenic hormone imaging n.fect her with androglossia.
+ the c.rash site is marked on the mapped_array that your commanding _BOXER 
ANDROGYNE_ has, but due 2 an m.penetra[tion]ble meme.nt, u and ur fellow 
BAs have 2 b <insert>ed approx. 69 c.licks away. 1nce inserted, it is 
m.perative that you s[e(e)d.uce]tabilise the TARGET b4 @tempting removal 
from the c.rash site back to the HOT ZONE.
+ u will be penalised if the TARGET dies b4 n.fection.

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