Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 11:52:11 -0800
From: solipsis <>
To: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: Formation of old thing description
Formation of old thing description
The new story sentence =E4=BC=8F (the =E3=81=B5) doing, you consider and (t=
he main thing) in the =E3=81=B5,
Majesty emperor, obtain one and the optical house do, lead to three and cot=
growth do the cartridge =E3=81=B5. Purple =E5=AE=B8 (it does and the gromme=
t) manages and as for
virtue the hoof (stuffing) suffering () the =E3=81=B3, =E7=8E=84 =E6=89=88 =
(the =E3=81=92 it is in the place where it
becomes extreme densely) =E5=9D=90 (the =E3=81=96) doing, as for conversion=
the head of the boat (to)
=E9=80=AE () it illuminates the =E3=81=B6 place, the cartridge =E3=81=B5. T=
he day float becoming moldy, =E6=9A=89 (=E3=81=B2
temporary) to pile up, in the cloud scattering =E3=81=A6 =E7=83=9F the non-=
=E3=81=9A. The head =E5=B9=B6 it does
(the =E3=81=82), =E6=9F=AF (it is obtaining) linking =E7=91=9E (the mark), =
history (to do) the book (it does
and the =E3=82=8B) it does not cut off the fact that it does, =E7=83=BD (th=
e =E3=81=B2 which it flies) don't
you think? the line meaning () Mitsugi who is painted heavily (it sees and =
the next),
the prefecture (the =E3=81=B5) comes in vain and there is no month. Name is=
higher than
sentence life, the crown (the =E3=81=BE) the =E3=82=8A cartridge edge and t=
he =E8=AC=82 =E3=81=B2 yes (the =E3=81=B9) does
virtue even heaven quaintly.
=E7=84=89 (Here), old quitting/words error =E5=BF=A4 (is passes) to spare, =
harmony copper () the =E3=81=A1 =E3=81=A6,
the retainer the =E8=A9=94 =E3=82=8A doing September 18th of four from here=
cheaply in ten thousand =E4=BE=B6
=E8=AC=AC (the leash =E3=81=BE) of tip period =E3=82=8A complexity (the =E3=
=81=BE =E3=81=98) as the righteousness the =E3=82=8C =E3=82=8B
coldly, =E7=A8=97 rice field flattering gratitude (the =E3=81=B2 obtaining =
is the roughness) =E8=AA=A6 () =E6=92=B0
record doing the old quitting/words of =E5=8B=85 language of the =E3=82=80 =
place, if the presentation
=E3=81=9B it does and the =E3=82=80 questions and passes, you restrain, =E3=
=81=A6 =E8=A9=94 effect (=E3=81=BB seeing thing) =E9=9A=A8
(in the =E3=81=BE the =E3=81=BE), the child It takes in detail, =E5=BA=B6 (=
the wide) =E3=81=B2 =E3=81=AC. When nature =E3=82=8C,
being on old, you spread the sentence word mind (word heart) and =E6=9C=B4 =
(it does the =E3=81=BB), =E6=96=BC
() you come especially and the letter which phrase structure are shaken and=
difficulty (one) do. It is based on to training in the =E5=B7=B2 and as for=
the =E3=81=A6 expressing
barrel, the language (word) in heart =E9=80=AE () the =E3=81=9A, all (and) =
=E3=81=8F sound appearance of
thing furthermore it does the =E3=81=A1 =E3=81=A6 connecting barrel, from h=
ere long. Right (here)
from here =E3=81=A1=E3=81=A6 now, =E6=88=96 (it is) in one phrase, sound tr=
aining to intersection in the
business =E3=82=90, or among one things, completely from here =E3=81=A1 =E3=
=81=A6 record (to do training, the
=E3=82=8B) it dies. Namely, the being visible of quitting/words reason (the=
abnormal play)
coming makes note from here the =E3=81=A1 =E3=81=A6 clear, mind circumstanc=
es (is and today) solution
(with) the =E3=82=8A divination coming does not do furthermore note. =E4=BA=
=A6 (And) surname (the =E3=81=86
=E3=81=A2) =E6=96=BC coming, under day (the =E3=81=A1 =E3=81=92) the =E7=8E=
=96 sand =E8=A8=B6 (ill-smelling) with the =E8=AC=82 =E3=81=B2, =E6=96=BC c=
to name, the band (you want) the letter the multi =E7=BE=85 =E6=96=AF (drop=
ping) with =E8=AC=82 =E3=81=B5, =E6=AD=A4 () the
type like the =E3=81=8F (you want the =E3=81=90 =E3=81=B2), the book (the o=
rigin) in the =E9=9A=A8 not changing.
Mostly, (other things it is) heaven and earth creation (the =E3=81=82 =E3=
=82=81 hammer to do be able
to open the place where it records, the time) from beginning, the small Osa=
mu rice
field (the beam is) world (to see) =E8=A8=96 () the =E3=82=8B. Below reason=
and heaven Chuzu God
(from it does),
The Hidaka day child wave limit building cormorant =E8=91=BA grass =E8=91=
=BA non- combination (the
beach fungus =E3=81=86 wipes and bites and does, bites and) before the life=
of the =E3=81=82 not
passing (from ahead) upper volume (the firewood) with God Cipango Italy wav=
gratitude =E6=AF=98 old emperor (and the mark be and the =E3=82=8C =E3=81=
=B3 this be completed and others to
see thing) below, the item =E9=99=80 world (only =E3=81=BB wastefulness doe=
s) in the past medium
volume (in the firewood) with, large sparrow emperor (the =E3=81=BB only th=
e =E3=81=96 coming is
angle) below, small Osamu rice field Omiya (the beam the =E3=81=BB seeing a=
nd) in the past
beaming (to do The firewood which it has) with you do, =E5=B9=B6 =E3=81=9B =
=E3=81=A6 three volume record (do
(the =E3=81=82 and) the =E3=82=8B) do, restrain and =E3=81=A6 presentation =
(build and wait) the =E3=82=8B. The
retainer cheaply ten thousand =E4=BE=B6, sincerity =E6=83=B6 sincerity we f=
ear, the =E9=A0=93 neck =E9=A0=93 neck.
Harmony copper five year New Year's Day =E5=BB=BF Isao five and the like wi=
th respect to
eight day correct five rank the court noble (the =E3=81=82 =E3=81=9D of the=
=E3=81=BB you see thickly)
cheaply ten thousand =E4=BE=B6 $$ln2 Majesty and former discernment emperor=
Obtaining one, the optical house it does, virtue must be full in public con=
emperor rank. Leading to three, cottage growth it did and the cartridge =E3=
=81=B5, three
years old (heaven and earth person) lead, conversion growth did the people.=
Purple =E5=AE=B8
(it does and the grommet) manages and, virtue the hoof (stuffing) suffering=
() the =E3=81=B3,
=E7=8E=84 =E6=89=88 (the =E3=81=92 it is in the place where it becomes extr=
eme densely) =E5=9D=90 (the =E3=81=96) doing,
converts and the head of the boat (to) =E9=80=AE () illuminates the =E3=81=
=B6 place and the cartridge
=E3=81=B5, " purple =E5=AE=B8 (, the grommet)" " =E7=8E=84 =E6=89=88 (the =
=E3=81=92 it is densely)" it must be the Imperial
Palace. Virtue conversion must spread to distant every nook and cranny. The=
day float
becoming moldy, =E6=9A=89 (=E3=81=B2 temporary) to pile up, day to appear a=
nd come out and shine
extensively, =E7=91=9E trillion. In the cloud scattering =E3=81=A6 =E7=83=
=9F like the smoking of the non- =E3=81=9A
and the cloud it comes out and comes out and enters, but is not smoking, it=
being, the celebration cloud. The head =E5=B9=B6 it does (the =E3=81=82), =
=E6=9F=AF (it is obtaining) linking
when =E7=91=9E (the mark), also connected reason thickly being flat at =E7=
=91=9E trillion of the
heads, those which appear. History (to do) the book (to do and the =E3=82=
=8B) not to cut off
the fact that it does, history official always that kind of =E7=91=9E trill=
ion recording. =E7=83=BD
(The =E3=81=B2 which it flies) don't you think? the line meaning () Mitsugi=
who is painted
heavily (you see and the next), must burn the =E7=83=BD fire many it seems =
that, it seems
that in addition needs many translations, morning Mitsugi from distant coun=
tries. The
prefecture (the =E3=81=B5) it comes in vain, the warehouse of Imperial Cour=
t is the sky.
Sentence life, =E7=A6=B9 king of summer. Heaven quaintness and hot water ki=
ng of =E6=AE=B7. =E5=BA=B6
Sporadic partially the =E3=80=85 =E3=80=85 of the hand =E5=BA=B6, bottom th=
e people. Old quitting/words of =E5=8B=85
language, heaven military affairs emperor is excluded the emperor descripti=
on which
Imperial order is done, with old quitting/words thing, the sentence. With C=
character it is difficult to spread the sentence and =E6=96=BC () to come e=
specially and the
letter which phrase structure are shaken and namely difficulty (one) to do,=
express composition phrase. As for those which are based on to training in =
the =E5=B7=B2 and
as for the =E3=81=A6 expressing barrel, the language (word) in heart =E9=80=
=AE () they express with
the =E3=81=9A and letter training, meaning having stopped leading old mind.=
All (and) =E3=81=8F sound
appearance of thing furthermore it does the =E3=81=A1 =E3=81=A6 connecting =
barrel, from here long, as
for those which express the sentence with letter sound, composition becomes=
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