From: "][mez][" <>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:42:18 +1100
Boring Art proudly presents
With a critical presence of mind net.wurker][mez][ researches structures of
language, inter alia; far beyond from the perspectives of Wittgenstein,
Barthes, Kristeva or Derrida. With a wit and acuity the code of the visual
mezangelles simultaneously slices and intertwines the semiotic and semantic
discourses to coexist within the riveting structure of art'wurk'', evoking
pleasurable forms of 'all the _texts_' .
hence, dictum sapienti sat est - respice finem .. are you ready for a sneak
preview ??
{i. am. [trapped. in. seizure.
language. |
part girl| [part][ial][
boy ()
c|or|e [war][e][s
][fairy f][ [lossed chip & coded
dale |
. . .... .....
.][E][mot][E][ion capt][l][
::][syn][tax.onomic bone-like language
::ab][c][ode searching vs t][crunc][hickening syntax
::body clo][cks][g.gages
::new ][sub][genreism
::har][de][mon][ic][y balancing
. . .... .....
blind [t]rusting.txt
Subject: mETA<tagged n dangerous>stasize
[21:11] <log> AltX claims that the imprint brings to web-readers a
must-have library of uncategorizable writing being produced by some of the
most provocative artists in contemporary new media culture
[21:19] <Alan_Sondheim> I think of Mez' and my work, some of which is in
the email list "format" - and I know for myself how hard it is to republish
or recapitulate this -
[21:20] <][mez][> egg.actly alan. my contribution that's n.cluded in the
Hard-Code ebook was not the mezanglled version that i n.dicated but the
translated version...again, that recourse to traditionality even here....
(r2) !:
[21:29] *** ][mez][ has quit IRC (QUIT: .i.dream.the.n e X ][t][ us. )
. . .... .....
.net.c][haracter][o.ding][!][. ..
Subject: _net.code(r2) !: November 4th 2001:_
][mez][ says, "...all the _texts_ [and I use this term 2 n.clude the whole
shebang, not just the typed components] should be able 2 b negotiated [in
terms of meaning] from the very email core that I have constructed
ini.tially, in ut][n][e][t][ro.........but I find that ppl r reluctant 2 do
_net.code(r3) !: Sunday April 21 2002 :_
More ? pro][tean][.lapsing.txts [ ]
06/03/03-07/04/03 and remember; is your life Boring enough !!
Maria Tjader-Knight AD Curator BoringArt
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