From: "William Fairbrother" <>
Subject: Toward a Manifesto...
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:32:08 +0000

Toward a Manifesto::::Virtualism


                      Reading as an ethereal pleasure(-not bound by lo/gic… 
not]to deny its((substance((as entertainment:[:whether rhetorical or 
dialectical-][-mention of the concrete inures us to 
fragmentation-,,tech|tonic<fuilliton>-[invention is madness, yet those 
unable>to<invent are the|most insane,,and every/where there is]a between[-as 
in, for example||||”justice”||||Let us not be deceived>-<into believing the 
oligarchic phraseology””)nor examine too closely the septum of 
knowledge))Reading like this|is||||chaotic, though at times 
uplifting,,\whereas->Reading like\this [is me[ll]ifluous 
and,,en]chanting||||>But this must cha(i)nge-that must cha(i)nge””cha(i)nge 
must chan(t)ge… There is continually a shift’-thus”Fragmentation[ ]But 
note::::This fragmentatio[n itself must shift<-otherwise the stagnatio]n 

                      True Literature does not write into the Age]in which 
it is written|]M[and the notion of substantial release]is Hereditary,,IF one 
were||to prophecize >that||must be empirical((?-[Otherwise wont((There is no 
forgiveness in the Fabric of Being,,[Only breathability((((Is that 
Forgiveness?]-[These are the questions which plaque the op/en\ 
m(in)D|//)and\\where,as//the I|dea|l min]d is a ducT-Taped BOX.

                       So you can]begin[t’-)(see the problem.  The 
conumdrum//\\the idea]oL((is to meet in the substance of 
non-being||..||..||.||..||..||AND,]((to crawl up out of)it[[[[|There is no 
such thing as Being Human||||being human is an invention((((…<not relegated 
nor regulated//\by Some g-oD]-But|a mischief<.>Lonesome and Territorial,,and 
of course]the creation of madness…

                      O(1)ne would I[mm]ediately a[ss]ert their di[ss]ent 
as||||just S))))Urrealism>|<The writer of this (maybe)’I)(-‘I]nn[oc(c)ulaTed 
against Small Pox only to Wake uP and DisCover we have AIDS[-)||||(-]and 
spread it[Fur/ther-for]ever;,.  We>are all innoculated with tainted 
Monkey-BLOOD(,.the di(ss)ection of Knowledge brings Forth nothing but such 
blood[[[[and it is in]E[f)FECT>ed… So much for Viruses/

                       The true meaning of Human Life]-[The 
meaning\of/our\be/ing\in/the Universe],,must Fi(1)rst and Foremost be 
celeb|rated[>it is not an equation<||it is not unknowable[||it occurs not/in 
the name/of a Power/Greater\than us-)v[nor in the naming|of THAT 
name…]Everything)I]-)Resides in this non-equation>.||||Beyond being the 
resolution of ideas/of dreams->it is existence||||And [I]present it 

[[[[Happiness, Goodness and Truthfulness Governed by Love, is the Meaning of 
Human Existence.  The preservation of the Earth and of Humankind is our 
greatest goal””[[[[

                       Hard Pill,,but not Rea[L[iT[L]lly.  This is being 
written for the common ((sen)se(I||||of the people]We await the 


We can only write structure>>>>
[at this point[ ]There[which/in>]There
is only||||’forms’-and)things””-G[
of)Poet|RY-of)gra[MM]a[Tol)ogy of…
and of course De]con|ST/ruct]…it----
oTHEr)wise,,]Blank-…]and Round-ion
simplicity>>>>tO invent a))for[GIVE
ness in Language]//which exist,a|s[A-,
FIELD/w/o\Name…rUTs fu[LL]of Snow
such as RE: ) mem[brance->Make yr  O]
Give]ness-)M( )on]S[ter>e[FF]ect.sp


                      Contradiction\hence>forth is wonder|[To DeCry the 
human condition||||><||||is like to deC[K]ant a Fine 
wine]…]]<Spoiled<||||>or…<but evenso(to arrange the positive||||in a 
non-fictive pose-…(it’’s all Secrets… though underst[oo]d and pa[ss]ed 


                      Between the]real[and the]not real[exists a 
bridge/ca[LL]ed ‘surrealism’>>()<<Like Going door to door/knocking)and 
asking the inhabitants if this [haPPens to be(the home of _______ [your 
name]->we Perform within the sphere (of) this discovery||now||as if it is 
as>common<as dreams/as games/as chance\/Yet for all of its splendor[-since 
our introduction to the existence of this bridge)1924)/up to 2004->There 
have been 1,401[Wars… Not Saying that[perhaps]there would have been||20,000 
Wars]without this introduction><not saying|that it has[not deeply 
enriched((((our lives||||Only,,that such a flux””could have been 
used)Taken[to|change]further its password(for going over the 
bridge]-]””Freedom.,[That now we know Other<<>This is Thus.


                      What we have in]mind[here|is to[Con|sTrucT>a 
para[LL]eL Bridge||||One which will Hopefu[ll]y[lead to a 
non-warring>>humankind||-|Because the bridge we have\is w(a)oRn/and 
creaky]|||and enveloped in mass-media))))And][to[ ]take in>for 
example|[Abs(u)ORB-] the inventions nEw to our times,,Without 
Apol]o[Gies[|||| To create/build\a Bridge||||between the real and the non 
real(-)-which could not have been imagined a minute ago||||And whatever 
rituals we]fall into[are immediately forgiven,,cannot bE imagined HENCE…[

                       This bridge we call ‘Virtualism’||||(())||||IT does 
not exist]never will/and/we are[the[[Better for it,,A Language of transient 
meaning-)(-or none)-(an art of collage>collapse>kineticism>and 
epidrome<Challenges|-|and at the same time is WHOlly organic][so our 
G[a]o)I)[a]L is clear||||There is no such thing as Freedom]except as a 
Repository]//\\[and all the UNDERsigned admit they know nothing)-a 
crime-[perhaps]-but More aTuned|)(|to the idea of MANslaughter 
than((murder<-(and more]or less[accustomed to dissent…[ECT words-]or their 


                      Virtualism does not create individual works]-))it 
does]|But it can]not<<Virtualism only creates|the ‘oeuvre’[-a whole-[is a 
collection))))of fragments)(and an ode to||||Fragmentation[(And is never 
complete.and (in)this(in)completene[ss] s)ignifies[its,,rigorous 
adherence-]to the system of||||being human|[Thus is|being 
human||||begun]]-All else is denial...,]dross

                      Virtualism ca[nn]ot(be[pronounced but|is 
everywhere[[“”spoken,, an already((it has always)existed]-[in that it is 
new||||and the documen)TaT(ion,,through chronology]is[\/\/]th|o|rough\/Art 
is everywhere[thanks|to the)masters])and,,[underneath||||Pollock dance[-]But 
it must create/the\||[Positive[to exist>No More Wars]]  
And]it(iS][Only]this//th(op-)-e[ou)GHT//which Protec>T,,s u...s.










[Once again, William... once again, apologies for the length...]

William Fairbrother

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