From: "hu][bris wo][man" <>
Subject: Re:  Being Approached  [mEssay]
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 13:29:46 +1100

At 02:03 PM 31/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>         I will begin with the first line of "hu][bris wo][man"’s poem, 
> [_arc.hive_] _m.burr cha][r][nnel_:
>::][b][liz][z][ard m.burr channel.ling + ca][r][t white s][f][izzling

head.a lines + boolean sin][tax][ taste buddings....

[unp][oesis only -code l][ack mode ON>>>

blizzard ember channeling
lizard ember channel

cat white sizzling
cart white fizzling

[cont.eX.t mode ON>>>>

[canberra fires + ppl rescue-dying in houses full of screaming pets]

>[Sorry I took so much space…

no ape.ologies nec.

>I welcome comments/revisions,input,digressions/thanks to "hu][bris 
>wo][man"—sorry I didn’t ask permission,,

.no prob.

[.n.joyment lvl =HI[fied]]


>this is perhaps all nonsense and it would be kind of you to just send me 
>an email with in the subject field ‘Bullshit’, if you please—((I am 
>afterall a simple cook in a restaurant on a southern island in 

simple =no.
bl.own open + complex.


- pro][tein][.logging.txt
_sparks of lost hu][bris][man $cent][+re.sieved][_

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