From: Karl Petersen <>
Subject: Re:  #200212261159
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 13:24:58 -0600 (CST)

At 19:07 on Jan 4, lo_y reasoned:

> At 10:58 04/01/03 -0600, Karl scribet:
> >At 14:51 on Jan 4, lo_y reasoned:

LLLLJJqqhhrrmmnnppssllnnvvssiivv kknnsshhKKxxeellHHssppggGGrrmmrr

NNNNffiiwwmmIIxxppiiiiJJ nnuuvvGGttggEEmmttCCRRKKmmuuhhLL


& >&   .& .&   [& w& w& w& w&   PPt& t& ]& OO & j& j& m& m& `& ,&
q& q& _&  GGu& u&  @&  `& LLEEGGr& r& t& t& q& q& n& n&  m& m& s&
s&  _& JJk& k& & s& s& o& o& DDOOf& f&    6& FFSSLL & u& u& r& r&
g& g& MMt& t&  p& p& t& t& [& II.&    >&   >&      6& '&  GGGG  &
j& j& MM)& & q& q& [& @& JJm& m& m& m& t& t& k& k& l& l& s& s& r&
r& n& n& v& v&   v& v& q& q& `& NNx& x& m& m& o& o& y& y&  u&  u&
s& s& x& x&  l& l& w& w& k& k&  n& n& p& p& f& f& LLt& t& & u& u&
x& x& h& h& NNy& y&  s& s& y& y& i& i&  s& s& v& v& ]& II"& m& m&
l&  l&  h& h& LL & >&  >&  "& *& )& 3&  q& q& q& q& l& l& ]& LL &
r& r& q& q&   NNo& o& _& & u& u& p& p& i& i&   i& i& i& i& h&  h&
l&  l&  q& q& .&    EE & 5& @&  GGn& n& `& GGr& r& t& t& q& q& n&
n& p& p& p& p& r& r& t& t&  p& p& q& q& k& k& KKp& p& -& & k&  k&
s&  s& v& v& .&   >&  >&    *& 4& PPPPKK & t& t& q& q& g& g& HHm&
m&  s& s& n& n&  GGs& s& j& j& KKXX.& w& w& k& k& GGPPu& u& s& s&
k&  k& & v& v& t& t& ^& KKo& o& u& u& x& x& .& )& ,&  >& FF=&  l&
l& s& s& _& HHs& s&  v& v& j& j& j& j& NN & n& n&  y&  y&  h&  h&
IIt&  t&  w& w& o& o& /& u& u& w& w& `& TT & >& & >&  "& .& ,& 3&
_& w& w& w& w& ,&  g& g&  ?& FFVVHH.&   YYYY & =& DDUU & l& l& m&
m&  ]& MMn& n& p& p& s& s& t& t& u& u&  m& m& r& r& k& k& JJn& -&
& n& m& m&  p& p& n& n& JJv& v& p& p& r& r& q& q& ,&  o& o& m& m&
@& HHj& j&  r& r& k& k& .& & & & & & & & & & & & & dont like this

>   ( GGGG :CC` ddll'GG ` ccAA[FFgghhll )
>   .0KKKKEEppddjj nnggYY.  VV>;FF ggrrffBB.
>   ( GGGG;AA ggpp IIiicc ttppaaGG .iiaa:> )

Now what?
Like this.

> >But to what end, or as a function doing what?  I dont think much.
> ( " sometimes lo_y is a little disfunctional " )

No definitions found for "disfunction"
Recall that lo_y does not like black boxes.
Is a disfunction like a block bax, or as I would prefer
it is a finger-catching -jamming, disloyal printing press?

> ( " lo_y doesn't think much either " )

I think lo_y thinks very much of lo_y.

> ah oui. ça marche maintenant.

Be careful not to slip.  I suppose your environ is wet yet,
yet we are wet and foolishly bordering ice.  We want cold.

> >( Were missing a step to irony )
> ( %-?@ il^Hklo g _FWH qj FraFo )
>   $2DD_ fq'G eH` pj/EtbMkneqspgn.
> N $2I>\mnahpndmmhmmoimin io) fT>@O
> ,)5[neqspgn.


> >Docouresssed.lo_passed
> (timedomainwise; which doesn't make much sense)

Yeah, that was my thot.  Feed forward and feedback but only in a
finite order or your brain will cross.  But if we (wanted to) think
functional we expect both ways.  Which is mind (and we eliminate
the "is of identity" so we dont mind.)  The fix of fixation.

With only one line it's a trivial thing to check for matching quotation marks.

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