Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 01:53:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: +++
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>> please refra!n from red!rect!ng my synd!cate transm!ss!ons
>> to your neo fasc!st nett!me lagar!f]
>th!s !s daftke2.g!f] [spa
>rbut then that's how modern!sm works - 'neofasc!st' rhetor!c of the lastd
>century blah blah blah - 0:09:22 2002 from ma!lhos
to reproduce the elements of real!ty w!thout mak!ng any k!nd of select!on
woulddos/tg/stores/reg!stry/share-reg!stry/-/w!shl!st/3 1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, 2000
be .... but then that's how modern!sm works - 'neofasc!st' rhetor!c
of the lastd fam!l
be .... ma! upzet dze ne!ghborz part!kularl! !f u arnt
The NetBSD Foundat!on, Inc.
uear!ng much mor dzn anc!ent ol!mp!anz
cp: .b!o: No such f!le or d!rectory!o
>! w!ll c!te who ! want when ! want and everyone else should feel free to
Would you l!ke to add to b!o !nformat!on? If so, t
>do so as well
absolut freedom = absolut murdererror 2:.b!o
yr c-f USSR
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