From: "dis.[UR]Locate" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 14:12:31 +1100
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: "digital we[ave]tting" vs
At 02:57 AM 10/11/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>if i'm not mistaken, mez here is proposing the works exist in a
>certain communicative channel...they're a flow of data////like all
>things really are////
_form from_
or even
_form form_
>my question would be (and the answer to this would actually help me
>distinguish between works): where does the data come from? where does
>it flow to?
_net.wurks_[e] information.
<d.fine: information?>
_in form_
>one can say (as in romanticism): well, the data comes from somewhere
>up there: it flows into me, and then out:::::all of which is true////
up there: no
in2: no
out: no
[a trip.tick.ler of nos].
[think no.dic[k]|x.plosive, la[la laaaa li]terally.]
>but the works i like best are those in which data comes from several
>sources (not simply repsawning my own): data comes from you, and you,
>and you, and you, and you=====and goes to you and you and you and
u & u & u.
[ewes & use =[lata]ble comprehension].
>this is interesting to me because it's pointing to an epitemology of
>net art (or at least an epistemology of mez's work, which interests
>me greatly)////
>but i still don't understand why they're not texts? how would you
>define a text, mez? and what is the distinction between that and what
>you do?
i _net.wurk_.
[u text b.coz u r].
[i net.wurk b.coz i am].
[u purr.[d]sist in .here.]
oppositional here|
. . .... .....
.... . .??? .......
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