Date:         Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:13:23 -0800
From: Jeffrey Jullich <jeffreyjullich@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Stephen & Marian Guei

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From: stephen guei <>
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Dear Friend,

This is strictly confidential. It is coming to you
from Abidjan, Ivory Coast West Africa- a nation and sub-
region in turmoil.

 You are surely aware of the on-going rebellion here in my
country for quite some time now. The xenophobic,inept and
incompetent regime of LAURANT GBAGBO faced yet another
bloody coup detat middle of September in which the FPI-led
government crudely assasinated my fathe,General Robert
GUEI,my mother and hordes of bodyguards accusing the
head of state maliciously of being behind the insurrection
which has but blossomed northwards.

I had been away in Accra, Ghana ,doing my higher education
during the military revolt which claimed equally the life
of the interior minister and hundreds of others. My
at home was what saved my young life.

 Few days ago however still smarting from shock and trauma
emanating from losing both dad and mum I sneaked into the
city to take possession of my late father's secret
financial fortune left behind in the West African
International Bank known here in French as BIAOCI.
Ever since I have been in constant contact with the bank's
international operations division's director who has
assured me of the safety of the fund(totalling 12.5

He has however underscored the urgent need for the fund to
be transfered out through a third party as soon as
possible. The paramount importance of lifting this fund
outside this shore cannot be over-emphasized at this
exceptional moment in time.

Therefore, should you be interested in helping me out,
please feel free and write me back via the net. Everything
is open for negotiation in this respect. Presently I am
living underground here for fear of being kidnapped or
killed by prowling secret agent of the state.

 So I must leave for your country or elsewhere as soon as
this transaction is sealed, done and completed. I shall be
glad indeed if you can act immediately. Thanks and God

Yours sorrowfully,
stephen and marian Guei
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