From: "W. Blake" <>
Subject: Re: [Softwareandculture] Freezed-Dried .Trauma [ResidualDataShearing]
To: Recipient List Suppressed <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 14:35:33 +0000
# Perl Routines to Manipulate London
#, v 2.0 1792/02/23 08:16:43
# Copyright (c) 1792-2002 William Blake
# Unpublished work reconstituted
# Permission granted to use and modify and append this library so long as the
# copyright above is maintained, modifications are documented, and
# credit is given for any use of the library.
# Thanks are due to many people for reporting bugs and suggestions
# For more information, see
# Grave the sentence deep. My love of London held in torment.
# Heavy, rains of cruelty, disguised in spectacular investments.
# Accumulate interest in Jealousy,Terror and Secrecy.
# The bloated Square mile
# Gifts this isle.
# In this cities dark gates - the tree of knowledge leads to this mansion
built on misery.
# Here the dress code of secrecy cloaks the body in fear.
# This is how the propitary city gets built,
# Hidden in every propietry street,
# In every proprietary house,
# In every propietry possession we meet.
use SocialClass;
# The American war was the last judgment on England.
# Inoculated against the sewer. Albions Angels
# Rise up on wings of iron & steel spreadsheet & rule:
# To gift sanitation & sulphurous fire to:
# The wheat of Europe,
# The rice of Asia,
# The potato of America,
# The maize of Africa.
# Masacure-bloated, angels crawl from the corpse of war.
# Five times fatter then when they entered.
# Choking lays the sickening Leveller-republican. Caustic fumes - dusts,
# gust from wars - grinding wheels - mils of cruelty - mils of terror,
jealousy & secrecy.
# Every light ray turned to shadow and dispare. to riketts - scabies - ticks &
# Until the dark sun never set on the Hanoverian empire.
# Rise then the Leveller-republic, rise on wings of knowledge flowing in the
domain of the many.
# For heaven is more knowledge then one man can muster in a lifetime.
# For hell is more knowledge then one man can muster in a lifetime.
# This Library is for calculating the gross loss to Londons Imagination of
# beaten enslaved fucked and exploited to death from 1792 to the present.
# We see this loss in every face marked with weakness or marked with woe.
# to do this we aproximate that there are 7452520 or so faces in this state
that live in the charter'd streets of London.
# Found near where the charter'd Thames does flow.
# These are a series of anonymous hashes;
# At least one is required at compile time:
# The Data for the DeadChildIndex should be structured as follows:
# %{DeadChildIndex} => {
# IndexValue => {
# Name => " Child name If known else undefined ";
# Age => " Must be under 14 or the code will throw an
# exception due to $COMPLICITY";
# Height => "Height of the child "
# SocialClass => " "
# }, As many as found
# }
local %DeadChildIndex;
local @SocialClasses = qw(
RentBoy YoungGirl-Syphalitic-Inoculator
CrackKid WarBeatenKid ForcedFeatalAbortion
local @ProprietryItems = qw(
Shelter Food Fun Energy Land Technology Beast Fish Foul Knowledge
# The Get_VitalLungCapcity routine uses the Age and Height entry of the
# to calculate the Lung-Capcity of the dead child. This is then used to
calculate the
# volume and capacity of screams when terrified.
sub Get_VitalLungCapcity{
my $DeadChild = shift;
my (
$VitalLungCapcity, # vital lung capacity in liters of air
$Height, # is height in centimeters
$Age, # is age in years
$Height = $DeadChild->{Height} unless ! defined
$Age = $DeadChild->{Age} unless ! defined $DeadChild->{Age};
if ($Height && $Age){
# Basically your vital lung capacity gets bigger as you get
# but it gets smaller as you get older... So the person who could
scream the most would be as tall as they're going to
# get but be old enough to have just gotten there. (Probably about
18 or 20 years old.)
# This falls outside of our basic parameter of 0 to 14 years. But
the maths are still useful
$VitalLungCapcity = ((0.041 * $Height) - (0.018 * $Age)) - 2.69 ;
return $VitalLungCapcity;
# we may not know the height, try to guess from SocialClass
if(! $Height){$Height = Get_HeightFromClass(Height =>
# we may not know the Age, try to guess from SocialClass
if(! $Age){$Age = Get_AgeFromClass(Age =>
if($Age && $Height){
$VitalLungCapcity = ((0.041 * $Height) - (0.018 * $Age)) - 2.69
return $VitalLungCapcity;
# Approximate it
# The average 6 year old child is about 120 cm tall. So $Height
=130.0 and $Age = 6.0
# Put this into our equation and we get that the VitalLungCapacity
is about 2.1 liters.
# The average 14 year old teenager is about 160 cm tall. So
Height=160 and Age=14.
# This gives us a vital lung capacity of about 3.6 liters.
$VitalLungCapcity = ((3.6) - (2.1) / 8.0) * $Age;
return $VitalLungCapcity;
$VitalLungCapcity = ((3.6) - (2.1) / 8.0) * int(rand(14)) ;
return $VitalLungCapcity;
local %InfantsScreamInFear;
# WoeOfEveryMan is the main method for constructing the
# InfantsScreamInFear structure:
# If we find that say that the hash %{RentBoy} is defined
# with values then we add this to the hash %{InfantsScreamInFear}
sub WoeOfEveryMan {
foreach my $Class (@SocialClasses){
warn "New class = $Class\n";
$InfantsScreamInFear->{$Class} = %{$Class} if %{$Class};
#In every cry of every Man,
#In every Infants cry of fear,
#In every voice: in every ban,
#The mind-forg'd manacles I hear
#SE-LONDON9; E27| How the Chimney-sweepers cry t100
#SE-LONDON10; E27| Every blackning Church appalls, t101
#SE-LONDON11; E27| And the hapless Soldiers sigh
#SE-LONDON12; E27| Runs in blood down Palace walls
#SE-LONDON13; E27| But most thro' midnight streets I hear t102
#SE-LONDON14; E27| How the youthful Harlots curse
#SE-LONDON15; E27| Blasts the new-born Infants tear
#SE-LONDON16; E27| And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse
#Evaluate CONSTANT_Worry at complile time so we do not have to bother in the
rest of the script
$CONSTANT_Worry = eval {sub HouseOwnerOcupier {return qw(DEBT LOANS BILLS
$CONSTANT_Worry = eval {sub Parent {return qw(BAD_EDUCATION BAD_HEALTHCARE
# This routine is a direct lift from the 1792 version 1.0
# so it retains some of the antiquated langudge of the
# original algorythum.
# The purpose of this Subroutine is to
# Traverse the DeadChild structure
# whilst $imagination exists. Imagination is depleted
# by recusivly calling the PursueWealth function
# Once all imagination is exausted the programme
# dies calculating the next time it should run.
sub MindForgedMannacles {
# $Mind is the mind of one member of the population of London
# Imagination is a field for flexible thinking in the stucture of the mind.
# One mind is passed into this fuction at a time
my ($ThisMind) = @_;
do { # keep going untill ${ThisMind}->{Imagination} becomes negative.
# For each DeadChildIndex the minds memory
# field is depleted by the $CONSTANT_Worry
# subroutine unless Imagination is positive.
foreach my $DeadChildIndex (%{DeadChild}){
$ThisMind->{Memory} .= $CONSTANT_Worry unless
#if the minds memory contains debt then
# call the subroutine MoreWork
if ($ThisMind->{Memory} =~ /DEBT/){
# if we got this far we have a positive bank balance and some
# traverse InfantsScremOfFear and extract Pain for each one.
PAINFULLMEMORY: foreach $Pain (%{InfantsScremOfFear} ){
# here we use $Pain to recursively call PursueWealth
# untill Imagination turn negative
$ThisMind->{Imagination} = $ThisMind->{Imagination} -
print $ThisMind->{Imagination};
if ($ThisMind->{Imagination} < 0 ){ last PAINFULLMEMORY }
} while ( $ThisMind->{Imagination} >= 1);
die "IMAGINATION DEPLETED: Re-run date = time + 30 ";
# This routine needs work due to the lack of recorded data:
# It is to caculate the
# amount of contemporary profit that has acumulated
# through the interest based on the number of dead children
# directly caused through neglect, desease and sale of slaves
sub PastProfit {
# $NUTRITIONAL_COSTS = minimal care upto the age
# of 12
%{DeadChild} + %{DeadChildren->{FoundInLondonsParkPonds}} if
%{DeadChild} + %{DeadChildren->{ChimineySweeps}} if
# This subroutine adds to argument to the varible $ThisMindForgets
sub MoreWork {
my $ThisMindForgets = @_;
if($ThisMindForgets =~ 'SPARE TIME' )
$ThisMindForgets =~ s/(.+)(SPARE TIME)(.+)/$1'MORE WORK'$3/
$ThisMindForgets .= qw( Media Clebrity Advertising TechToys RichFood);
local @ProprietryItems = qw(
Shelter Food Fun Energy Land Technology Beast Fish Foul Knowledge
# standerd library
# basically own evrything regardless
sub PursueWealth {
my %Mine;
my %ALL;
foreach my $Item (@ProprietryItems){
$Mine->{$Item} = \%{$ALL{$Item}};
warn "\nMine ALL_$Item = REF::$Mine->{$Item}";
return $Mine;
%{MIND} = {# this structure represents the ifinite workings of the brain located
between langudge and sense
Imagination => 'This varible represents the ability to transform the self to
a place inwhich it is not physically present'
# Life expectancy => "This is calculated according to the amount of
# These are the children beaten after the homecoming of
# Soldiers constructing and defending the Empire
%{ } = {};
# Past:
# The above structures are inherited from the following
#The spirit of DeadChildren passed by reference from &MoralCodeAbuse
#Iron works,coal mines, gas works, shipyards, construction, match factories,
nail factories, chimney sweeping
%{DeadChildren->{FoundInLondonsParkPonds}} = {};
#The DeadChildren who lost their lives in the big houses:
# from Hampsted in the North, to Peckam in the South,
# from Bow in the east to Chertsey in the West.
%{DeadChildren->{ChimineySweeps}} = {};
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