To: o-o <>
Subject: In the flesh
From: David Still <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 23:13:35 +0200 (EET)

I never thought that offering my identity online would get me this far: I=
'm really getting famous!
"He's all-in-one artist and the artwork." Or so they say.
So I get invited to Art Festivals all over the world. And I'll go there t=
o promote my website and myself. You'll see me in the flesh! The day has =
finally come! Don't miss it - how will you ever know the truth if you don=
't see it for yourself!

I'll answer all the questions in the faaq. At last you'll know who was be=
hind the mask, sending you nasty messages using my identity - bombarding =
you with spam - trying to learn all your intimate details by pretending t=
o be a friend. All will be revealed...

On the 25th of October, I'll be in Basel, Switzerland at the VIPER festiv=
On the 31st of October, I'll be in Utrecht, Holland at the IMPAKT festiva=

And when you meet me you'll find out whether I really deserve the name "a=
rtist and art work in one".
Which of the two will be celebrated most in these festivals?
What if they find out I'm not exactly who I say I am?
Will you be with me then?

David Still


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