To: "net.wurk][.who][" <>,
From: "Millie Niss" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 13:18:15 -0400
Subject: meznagelle-like French poet

I just got the antholog(ie)y Poé/tri 40 voix de poesie contemporaine
(editions Uatremanet 2001)

(My father being in France is of some use!  He sent it, via Amazon)

Inside one can find a poet Sylvain Courtoux, who writes a little like
mezangelle.  Mes no doubt will point out how hers is different, but here's a

'R (no air) _e_eput
'in (desir')d(spl)e
n Q'/& a (bas) tar (
dens's(e)r(r)on blok
a-mer'd seul out'
rag'prim'R man Q'
(in)p(l)ass que d'

Tis is the first stanza of an untitled poem, though obviously the word
continues on to the next stanza.  It's harder to see here than in the
original that the spoems are somewhat bilinigual with English because iin
the orignial the engish is italicized.  I don't know what convention he uses
when a piece of a word could make either a French or an English word....


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