Date: Tue Jul  8 12:47:03 2003
From: gatekeeper@EUnet.yu

             U P O Z O R E N J E - D E T E K T O V A N  V I R U S
                             V I R U S  A L E R T

  Nas antivirus softver pronasao je  |   Our viruschecker found the

     	archive: ZIP
/details.pif	infected: I-Worm.Sobig.e

  virus(e) u poruci koju ste poslali |   virus(es) in your email
  na sledece adrese:                 |   to the following recipient(s):


  Molimo vas da skenirate vas sistem |   Please check your system for
  antivirus softverom ili napomenete |   viruses or ask your system
  vasem administratoru da to ucini.  |   administrator to do so.

  Zarazena poruka je isporucena      |   The infected message has been
  primaoc(u/ima) u vidu attachmenta, |   delivered to the recipient(s)
  sa porukom upozorenja.             |   as an attachment to the warning
                                     |   message.

  PAZNJA: Samodistribuirajuci virusi |   ATTENTION: Self-distributing
  cesto koriste lazne adrese u From: |   viruses often use fake addresses
  polju poruka, pa nije iskljucena   |   in From: field of the message,
  mogucnost da je zarazena poruka    |   so it is possible that the
  poslata sa racunara koji u svom    |   infected message was sent from
  adresaru poseduje vasu adresu, bez |   a host that contains your address
  znanja njegovog vlasnika. Ukoliko  |   in the address book, without it's
  je to ovde slucaj, najverovatnije  |   owner's knowledge. If this is the
  vas racunar nije zarazen.          |   case, it is most likely that your
  Medjutim, preporucujemo vam da     |   computer is not infected.
  ipak proverite vas sistem.         |   However, we recommend that you
                                     |   check your system anyway.

 ===== ___                        = YUnet Antivirus E-Mail Gateway
 ==== /     /  /   __   ___  _/_ == EUnet Yugoslavia, YUnet International
 === /---  /  /  /  /  /__   /  === 4 Obilicev Venac, 11000 Belgrade, YU
 == /___  /__/  /  /  /__   /  ==== phone: +381 11 3119233
 ==                             === http://www.EUnet.yu/
 == Connecting Europe since 1982 == e-mail: gatekeeper@EUnet.yu

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