Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 22:06:00 -0800
From: "[]" <kanztanz@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: a trauma in 2 parts
Par 1
hy iiii even try en en ter iiii en to ju ju us just
jus t justify iii ju st f hu just de beuf eh uf f hu f
hu fly iii in the f hu in the f hu face of f hu into
your iiiii yes
yes eyes
pluck mine
pick me ma toes cut mes mais but may too pal l'aim pom
c'et tomatoe c'et por toi oh vine and ho wha f hu how
f hu
how damn hard
c'apple take eat
hu hu hundred weight times a thousand hevi vi iii in
c'et it c'e ton g a ton ga san ci zi andolit-zangi iii
ig ingy gingy me ma ka zey ka quand e he e your ta ton
ta ong a youn ya yawn a at tong hy zeb hey zeb bebe
hey bebe hey zami
c'et me zami
yes e e z z
be lucky me
t'osefa two
m'ishva two hundred
ira ira ira menshiva
iiii shi ra shiva ra:ra::ra:::ra::::ra::::ra::::k
we will shut down the word first by bo:mb
then by vir:us
we will shut down the word first by dro:ught
then by flo:::/o d
we will shut down the world first by ma:rks
then by m:a|::r|::: k-u :::::/p :::::::/s
we will shut down the world first by kill
then by die
we will shut down the world first by break
then by broke
we will shut down the world by first threat
a joke then
world down by low suxcker sell whole set
world set too high speed shut
eys shut yes
black mine out
by the morn's early light
by the mons sa varey
severe mons seppelier
oh she blow gun good smoking
hnnn c'et ben smoking hmmmuhu f
ce bo fum ce parfait par sefay latch off
s'et ta bon bombay carbon trace
parbay mob ya big il c'et biggest
dick in world looky here silo storage sacks
o hand stiff with h say all seed c'et grain
shoot bombay ta son grand stiff silo stack of sac
shoot big boy ooh |||la la c'et ass a wiggle c'et
skull bon bon sex boom ||||lay a cigar maisyour?
c'et privat room et chamber daddy eh boy
loaded? ah spin hu f f hu we fuck bomb alot
f hu zariyan-roi ||||le za ze on zeb
don day me ta zouti zonyon
hey ze zorey zora razi rosa ma zetwal
ma mon zo-zokot
ma lower beeb zon
a zongle ma|||| c'et e hu f
Turn the Damn Thing Off!!!!
Party of Two
Fortunata have your gems been squelched in Harmata's
fearsome fist to dust?
Fortunata doesn't say
mixes flour rain
makes a paste
forms a cake
seven cakes
a drop of red on each
a berry
a ruby cherry
She bakes
Her sisters shave their heads and weave
black and red
loose and thick
the cloth is wet
They weave and sing:
Sowbread harut firefly marut
Hare's foot hayyoth hawthorne
Nakir oxen feet oxen tail munkir
in measured steps across the floor their mimeosa feet
slip and shuffle on the crossbeams of a shifting loom
little sloughed and smaller muffled
seven pair of slippered feet
teeter toss and totter loss
great Harmata's weighing scale
slowly sinks
under airy heels and fairy toes
the sisters float
above the cloth they've wove
and out the door
Harmata gloats
my goods exceptional
my cattle excellent
my grain elysian
my chattel everything
and marks
the way the oxen plough the circle round the wheel
the way the seven sisters weave and leave
and time itself obeys
Fortunata sucks her knuckles
from the window in the kitchen
spies her sisters mixed with little bits of silver
have they left without her?
I thought i might and then might not could and
couldn't was and isn't
and such the doubled tripled thinking thistle petals
thick with reminising...
Harmata thunders from the counting room.
Do I smell seven cakes when we are only two?
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