Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 16:02:46 -0800
From: solipsis <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: Re: Get your "NO WAR"
{21st Century Schitzomantic}
~Saxo[n]phony~ {zoe-stat-uary out-put v/s. full-read con-text}
<luxoninertia log: (willful=the blind light)<res. lvl: (sorrow)/(matter)
(+/-) dharmap:
| |
= |_
//read.principle *(head-gone)* |
| | |
e(n)ternal::minted prism(frictiongender)<
"where they see trend, we see rough outlines"
"They know knot what they do.."
they (bioexpression)=name400bodychemicals.. "They
(bioexpression)=name400bodychemicals.. "They
| e(n)ternal::minted *(head-gone)* | = a/wake<(fractional@universal) "where
*(head-gone)* see
light)< --+dialecticextractionpallette:and/nand/nor<
quantomb-+++++++++++++++----freeprocessual< -++negadeterm'd++coin-spinning/r
efractionparen(thetic)-+-+< +++++++++++++++freeprocessual/<
+----[che/m]i[lin/(g/ua][po)/lity][baku}ni\orcs]---gather[ion]g< |
they *(head-gone)* (willful=the |_ //read.principle
| rough light)< --+dialecticextractionpallette:and/nand/nor<
quantomb-+++++++++++++++----freeprocessual< -++negadeterm'd++coin-spinning/r
efractionparen(thetic)-+-+< +++++++++++++++freeprocessual/<
+----[che/m]i[lin/(g/ua][po)/lity][baku}ni\orcs]---gather[ion]g< |
they blind log: do.." activate.wait. stillborn n national arena
| | outlines"
do.." activate.wait.
rough what | = |______________________| see
blind we |______________________| they do.." activate.wait.
what trend,
light)< --+dialecticextractionpallette:and/nand/nor<
quantomb-+++++++++++++++----freeprocessual< -++negadeterm'd++coin-spinning/r
efractionparen(thetic)-+-+< +++++++++++++++freeprocessual/<
+----[che/m]i[lin/(g/ua][po)/lity][baku}ni\orcs]---gather[ion]g< |
| e(n)ternal::minted log: |______________________| rough |_ //read.principle
(willful=the they | know |______________________|
tia log wit dialectillful the luxoninerblind lighcextractio
and nand nessual negor quantomnpallette b freeprocadeterm d
ing refraceprocessuationparen coin spinnthetic frel che m i
o lity bak g read pru}ni orcs lin g ua pgather ioninciple he
n ternal mgender a winted prisad gone e m frictionake fracti
rsal whereee rough o they see onal univetrend we sutlines bi
n name400bow not whaodychemicaoexpressiols They knt they do
ait ACTUP ame400bodythey bioexactivate wpression nchemicals
pression nThey see eame400bodyThey bioexchemicals n ternal
d gone a wrsal whereake fractiminted heaonal unive outlines
see light allette andialecticehead gone xtractionpd nand nor
freeprocesin spinninsual negad quantomb eterm d cog refracti
etic freepn g ua po rocessual onparen thche m i lility baku}
ther ion gful the re they headni orcs ga gone willad princip
ight dialete and nancticextracle rough ltionpalletd nor quan
rocessual inning refnegadetermtomb freep d coin spractionpar
freeprocesa po lity sual che men thetic i lin g ubaku}ni or
ion g theyte wait ou blind logcs gather do activatlines do
ait see roe they do ugh what sactivate wee blind wactivate w
rend lightpallette a dialecticait what textractionnd nand no
freeproceoin spinnissual negar quantombdeterm d cng refract
hetic freein g ua poprocessualionparen t che m i l lity baku
ather ion log rough g e n tern}ni orcs gal minted read princ
ul the they know iple willf
aber überzeug dich doch selbst!
aber überzeug dich doch selbst!
aber überzeug dich doch selbst!
Back to artcom unstable digest vol 39