From: "Johan Meskens CS2 jmcs2" <>
To: "WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines" <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA>
Subject: Re: )   l> " l? 5b-(1-/00/-0210 LBI _TS)33 2" BI N
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 14:01:03 +0100

At 12:44 01/12/02 +0100, i writn't:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >"" (LKFGE, " 9.-8OHII
> > >
> > >( " lo_y has a new lo_y pass " )
> > >
> > >-> what is a lo_y pass ?
> >
> >
>" yes ascii 10 and 13 have to be guarded
>" but you don't seem to mind ascii 26

(  " we'll add it as soon as we need " )

" LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA is an avid munger
  it will eat it here
" but not there [ 7-11 ]

( " sometimes i mind anything below ASC (" ") " )

" Ascii control codes (control characters, C0 controls)
  some at 32 leave the world and go live on a mountain
  plato settled from his youthtravels around that time
  must be something about it thenre
  in any direction

( " you might like 255 " )

" not particularly
  i don't like endings
  they are so real

( " pseudo-space " )

" is that the mountain where one becomes authentic ?
  or maye where one gets documented ?

( " lo_y lives there " )

" where ?

>   use it like this   and you fuck up any freewheeling -ing

( " " )

" he has 25 on his shirt
  is the remaining 5 hidden ?

>   use it like that now and f-'s will break its melktanden on it

( " you can't expect an undigest to be stable can't yàu? " )

" no

> > >-> or what is a new lo_y pass ?
> >
> >
>" documenting once ode ?
>   documenting a basic-bodey ?

( " methinks it's readable enough to undocument it " )

( " even Asondheim recognizes " )

> > >-> or what is a lo_y has a new lo_y pass ?
> >
> >
>" and now that we are at it :
>" >-> what is a lo_y pass ?

 "-"-     -  - >
 ? -    --  ""-"-   -    -  - >   -  ? -    --  ""-"-   -    -  - >  ? -
  - >   -  ? -    --

>" >->                    _       ?

    " -    "  - "   -

- --- >     -
"        -  "---  -       -    >   "        -  "---  -       -    "
   -     >   "        -

    " "  -    "  - "   "   -
    " "  -    "  - "   "   - "   "   -

>" >->                _              _       ?

" -+

 "-"- =<< -  ->
  .-    --  ""-"-  @-    -  ->    -    -    --  ""-"-  @-    -  ->     -
  -     -    -    --

" -+      ^         ]   `

*   " -  ? "  - "<  -  =

- ---  ><   -
" +    = -  "---  -   <=  -    *=  "      = -  "---  -   <=  -    "
   -     *=  "      = -

    " "> -  ? "  - "   "   -  =
    " "> -  ? "  - "<  "   - "   "   -  =

" -+      ^                    ]   `

> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > --------------  -------------------------------------------
> >                        -
> > ------------------------ -----------------------------------
> >                        -
> > -------------------  ---------------------------------------
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------------    :
> >     ://   .                      .

( "                        " )

> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > ------------------------------------------------------------

--------------  --------------------------------------------
----------------------- ------------------------------------
-------------    :
    ://       .   /      .    ?
    ://     .   .  .  /          /       .
   .    -          -     .
    ://   .      .  /     .
    ://   .      .   /      ? =  _

y     elap  y i
o r eeys           y elap  y i  ep  o r eeys           y elap  y i  o r
ay i  ep  o r eeys

       or what is a new lo y pass

h y    aay  y    ot  yys

  i  eyy             aay        y    i  eyy             aay
i   y     y    i  eyy

y y    y  aay  y    ar  ot  yys
y y    y  aay  y    ot  ay    ar  ot  yys

       or what is a lo y has a new lo y pass

     NCDJ gj A bEUJ ldhI X

0        F  k  8
c6  cThM             7HdL  k  8 Id  jTA cThM             7HdL  k  8 MSJ
Rh CY Id  jTA cThM

     KF Jm J gj A cA  kk J ldhI X

  0    66   m     B  sg

      2  B
     Cb              7               8  Cb              7
8   b          8  Cb

0 0       Eb   m    7A  he  sg
g 0       Eb   m     B  kg    7A  he  sg

     KF Jm J gj A bEUJ jdh d cA  kk J ldhI X




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    we whant the kromsjien



http   rhizome org object rhiz 5852
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